Guests are not allowed to tamper with or disable cameras as per Airbnb's terms of service. Did you not receive notice the camera was off-line in the ring app? If so, you could have had Airbnb cancel the reservation and remove the guests for this if they admitted in in the messaging system or via text. If they didn't admit doing it, I would advise them you received an alert that a camera was off-line and did they perhaps accidentally unplug it? If not, then let the guest know you will notify Airbnb the camera is off-line and for guest security (and yours) you will need to have someone come to the listing to check on it and get it working again. I would be absolutely sure your cameras are properly disclosed and not in areas prohibited by Airbnb before doing that though. I suggest putting the wording below in your addl house rules regarding not tampering with, unplugging or obscuring cameras:
Ground Rules For Guests
"What We Don't Allow
- Tampering with security devices: Guests may not disconnect or otherwise obscure any permissible and properly-disclosed security devices..."