Dispute on refund amount issued by Airbnb

Level 1
Scoresby, Australia

Dispute on refund amount issued by Airbnb

Hi, please see my recent cancellation on stay in Seminyak, Bali.

The calculation by Airbnb seems wrong.

The total I paid for this property was $963.69 AUD. This included $71.83 cleaning fee and $129.54 service fee. I understand the service fee is not refunded. And also the first night not refunded.

But per the cancellation policy which I read on Airbnb before I cancelled  I should receive back 50% of each of the final 3 nights (not the first one) plus the cleaning fee as we did not use the property at all. We left within 10 minutes.

So the total for accomodation was $762.32. Divided by 4 nights is $190.58 per night.

$762.32 - $190.58 = $571.74 for the remaining 3 nights.

So I should have back 50% of that, which is $285.87, plus $71.83 cleaning fee, which is a total of $357.70.

But the system has refunded only $190.58. Please advise how to make the adjustment for the remaining $167.12 owing. Thank you!

1 Reply 1
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Kat13285 You need to contact Airbnb on this one. My only question is did you cancel as soon as you left the property or did you wait until the next day? This would make a big difference to any refund.