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I was shocked to read that Airbnb co founder Joe Gebbia is joining Elon Musk at this new government department which has alr...
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I feel ridiculous needing advice on this topic but because of scams & fraud I figured Id ask.... How do other host feel about guests receiving packages during a stay? I don't live on the premises and I'm a little concerned about a guest using my address.
Is this a legit concern or am I paranoid?
@K87 There was a big discussion about this a few months ago, with lots of great input: check out https://community.withairbnb.com/t5/Hosting/Do-you-let-guests-receive-mail/m-p/964607.
Personally, I don't allow guests to receive mail or packages under any circumstances. Guests can use mail to establish residency, and then do all kinds of shady stuff once they've done that. I don't want to be a part of it. I also don't want to be holding or forwarding someone's stuff that didn't arrive during their stay.
@K87 A long-term tenant with a formal rental contract should certainly be able to receive mail at your address, but not an Airbnb guest. It would be dropping a lot of responsibility on your lap as a host that isn't really appropriate for short-term accommodation.
A better option for your guests would be to locate a private shipping service in your area that can act as a temporary PO box. Or, if your guests just wants to receive Amazon orders, they can have them sent to to the nearest Amazon Locker (perhaps the local Whole Foods).
@K87, you're definitely not being paranoid. People have used host addresses for all sorts of dodgy reasons, including to receive illegal goods or to establish a place of residency. If an illegal substance was intercepted, you could end up being liable.
It depends on the guest. Not all are dodgy and the packages would bear their names anyway. If you believe that there might be some shady dealings going on, stop it. If not, its a useful facility for a guest to have.
I've had guests here order telephone or computer chargers, HDMI adapters, firesticks or the like, which are quite reasonable deliveries. I've even had diving equipment sent ahead to places I've stayed at when I've forgotten bits.
@K87 , I too am dealing with this same matter right now with an upcoming guest. The person will be staying two weeks while waiting for availability of new digs post move for a new job. Wants to order items for the new location which makes sense. However, I previously read the discussion that @Alexandra316 posted above and am being very cautious before I grant permission. I agree that @Ian-And-Anne-Marie0 are probably correct about this not being a problem, but I want to be proactive before consenting.
I explained that I was concerned about package theft ("porch pirates") and liability. Here are some items that I addressed:
• Are the packages big, small, or a mixture of sizes?
• Will you be home when they are delivered?
• If you aren't home, would want me to put them in the basement corridor which separates my apt. from yours?
• Can you guarantee that none of the items will be delivered after your departure?
• You would have to waive liability for these items with respect to my Airbnb and Airbnb corporate.
• The items ordered cannot violate any of our house rules, local, state, and federal laws or create a safety/access issue for either apt. [Unfortunately other Airbnb hosts have experienced guests shipping bullets, weapons, and other illegal contraband to their homes.]
Have I covered all the areas? Any other suggestions?
it seems to me that if you are uncomfortable, then the guest can use special cells at the post office. I think he will understand you
@K87 lots of scammers who use ABB as an address. My friend who hosts in LA runs into them all the time. We have something in our listing that states our cottage cannot be used to establish an address or residency for the guests and that guests can't get mail delivered. Of course if someone forgets meds or a passport that is a different story.