This guest asked for my Phone number before booking, I den...
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This guest asked for my Phone number before booking, I denied then he booked & called me for Massage Girls in his room befo...
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Every 3-6 months I get to stay in another Airbnb as a guest, and each time the requirements of the review system get more onorous.
At least for us hosts we simply get to write a review, private feedback, star rate 3 categories and give a thumbs up/down...easy!
Have a look at what the happless guest has to go through.....12 step/pages!
There we go, I think we are half way!
My question, although the second part is not obligatory, why is it attched to the review at all, when most of these things were covered in the listing description. I got frustrated with having to do it and I am sure most guests would get frustrated with it as well. What is the point of it other than the gathering of statistics.
On the other side of the coin I am now excepting guests from Homeaway/Stayz.
Have a look at the entirety of their review system.....
That was it, short and simply, I didn't have to dream up lots of superlatives to write, things to criticise!
And Tom has said he will email me the procedure he has to go through.
I am not enjoying the Airbnb review system these days and I know the guests are becoming frustrated with it as well.
What are others thoughts on this?
We get over there every three months Michelle so I am certainly going to take you up on that tea and chat....and who knows, if the girls kick me out I might just need that nice B&B that you know of.....:-))
Mt Keira is just gorgeous and no more than 10 minutes Carroll Rd where our Sarah lives!
Funny how Airbnb doesn't ask guests and hosts to fill out a survey about how Airbnb performs! Seems those who hold power at Airbnb don't even read what hosts are discussing on the community forum. They are out of touch. Sad.
Thanks for the link. We are a little relieved to hear it is no reflection on us. However, I don't want to start to ask guests to leave a review. Go back to basics airbnb! Remember how it all started!!
Yes I also find it frustrating -I use an app called GuestHug which enables me to gauge guest satisfaction on check out with a simple star rating before public airbnb reviews are left -works great and helps me spot when there may be a problem and catch it in the bud.
I think that its horrible, and not necessary. I agree, I would not want to go through all that. As it is I am likely doing a favor to leave a reveiw. Enough already. Time is precious, and now that they are back home, they likely have 100 things to do.
I just started hosting another home and we are having a hard time getting people to write reviews. But we need them , maybe time to do more VRBO.
Robin, I agree, it's ridiculous. As a new host who takes direct bookings and via Airbnb (I'm going to drop Booking.com), I'm trying to qualify for the family collection, and my three Airbnb bookings to date have all been families, all of whom left me five stars.
However, only one group actually ticked the 'family' box in their review, and despite it being obvious from the inbox correspondence that they were families, and one of them even listing the ages of their children in the review, my attempts to get CS to treat these as 'family' reviews fell on deaf ears, with the CS replying that I ought to urge my guest to tick the 'family' box in their review.
No way am I going to do this - as a newbie my priority has to be getting the review in the first place - but I am aghast that my guests will have to jump through so many stupid hoops to leave a review - this is obviously going to impact the review rate.
I've got lots of upcoming bookings from families over the summer, just have to hope that a few of them will tick the 'family' box. Or maybe hosts who do qualify for the family collection think it's not worth the bother?
I'm staying in an Airbnb as a guest next month - it will be interesting for me to go through the review process as a guest and I'll screenshot every stage of it to refer to later!
Hi @Robin4, I will agree that when I see the steps/screen shots listed out it does look long and tedious. But the last time I was a guest it took me all but 45 seconds to complete the review, depending on how detailed I wanted to get with the written review. Despite the lengthier review process, I have NOT seen a drop in my review rate and I’ve never had one of my guests mention they did not want to review me because it took too much time. I don’t know, but if people these days can aimlessly scroll through pages and pages of Facebook newsfeeds, they can surely spend one minute to answer some questions about their wonderful host at their Airbnb stay.
Yes, I accept that Emilia but, you have the advantage of 'local knowledge'! You are a competent host and understand almost all aspects of the way the platform runs, just as I do! I had absolutely no issue filling out those 1 dozen steps.....My beef is, we shouldn't have to!
Many of my guests (some of whom are new to Airbnb) go blindly from one step to the next, then second guess what they may have already said, go back and have another crack at it. I know because it has come up in conversation...particularly with the star rating anacronism.
All I can tell you Emilia, I had a string of beautiful reviews, lovely comments but ended up with a 4 star overall for no other reason than what I offered was not perfection. Now I don't mind that, but Airbnb does! Since I have taken these steps that I have outlined above I have not had a review less than 5 star.
You may say it's a storm in a teacup, but over the years I have spent here on the forum one of the most common questions we read is....'My guest loved their stay but gave me a poor rating, how do I get that fixed'! My time here, just like yours, is not just to learn, but to help people get the best out of their hosting and we both do that by passing on the little snippets of information we have learned along the way.
, I understand what you're saying. I actually wish that Airbnb compiled MORE information into the reviews. You have probably seen me mention this before.... In my opinion, the 5 sub categories do not encompass the entire stay. On two occasions, I’ve struggled with letting the host know that the bed was the most uncomfortable bed I've ever slept on. I don’t want to sound unappreciative or too good. What is the host actually doing to do? Go out and buy a $1000 mattress after my comment? Probably not.
Do I mark them down for that? And where? I would still say “beautiful home and a great stay.” Everything else really was great. So if I could just give a 3 star for comfort with a notation of “uncomfortable bed” that would feel a lot less personal without jeopardizing the overall score. I know most guests don’t think this way but I really do think that the vast majority of guests rate on the high end. I mean, both of our listings have higher ratings then the Four Season in New York City. 🙂
Hi @Robin4 As always, a very informative and clear post, thank you.
The length of the review is just ridiculous, right? Why my guests are asked if there is a pool (my property is in the City centre on the 3rd floor) is beyond me! Logically, on that basis, guests should be asked to cross check an endless list of all amenities and possible amenities. Just ridiculous.
Then the overall review guidelines are worse and damaging to hosts.
Let's hope Airbnb fix this mess!
Well @Robin4 , now that I have read ALL comments on this thread from many hosts such as @Jim-and-Marcia0, @Emilia42, @Steven65, @Helen267 - I’m exhausted......
In my opinion, the review system for hosts and guests should be similar. They do not need to be onerous, or shorthand symbols to get the info in it.
What is in the listing is either true or false to the reality experience. No need to repeat information, so I request Airbnb, that this duplicity is removed.
Get rid of the superfluous: KISS principle please.
Yet, like @Emilia42 , just allow room for more detail and concerns that might be in private feedback.
Also @Airbnb3 explain upfront what the 5 star system is within the community, compared to the “rest of the hospitality industry”. If this is done, then further information and explanations aren’t required.
Maybe add that the lack of reviewing actions by hosts and guests, might jeopardise use of the platform?
Oh, and ALLOW the obvious outlier reviews to be removed.
Ah, knew I would hear from you sooner or later compardrie!
Thanks for mirroring my thoughts with yours, and @Emilia42's point about relevant details to the stay are so important. Why are we focusing on the fact that the listing wasn't where the guest wanted it when the bed was a thinly disguised pile of three corner jacks on a base of granite river rocks....a subjective interpretation!! Why can't we focus on things that really are wrong instead of simply trying to find fault with things that aren't .
The review system seems to focus on things that are not really relevant to the stay.....Oh, the host did not contact me about check-in when I asked so I will give them a 2 for communication. How exactly is that relevant to MY property, my communication. My last 211 communication ratings have been 5 star....can we move on to something relevant.
We need to have a review system that for the guest simply says....."On a scale of one to ten for the money you paid how would you rate this stay"! Anything 8 or above counts towards a hosts Superhost status.
And for the host simply says........"On a scale of one to ten did this guest fulfill the requirements of a satisfactory stay"! Anything 8 or above counts towards a Superguest category.
Now I say one to ten because.....a five will no longer be interpreted as a fail, it will be seen as an industry standard rating. The only other thing that needs to be put on the review page is....
For the host.......Would you host this guest again....thumbs up/down?
For the guest......Would you stay in this hosts property again....thumbs up/down?
Enough red wine, I am out of it for the day.....
@Cathie19 I believe the outlier review will be removed. But i dont know when then this will be implemented.
I agree, but they need to be quicker in action with this prevalent & vey old problem.; along with the superhoat stats they were playing with. ..... Neither of the definitions were acceptable for LTS or limited hosting seasons across a year.
I think making these corrections a priority would restore much lost faith by original hosts.