Does anyone know a keys exchange close to maryland station on east London, please

Level 2
London, United Kingdom

Does anyone know a keys exchange close to maryland station on east London, please

Hello recently I started to have problems with check in because of keys exchange, usually I use KeyNest but the guests start to complain because of 10 minutes walking, then I start to hide the keys on the plant pot outside my building, but someone find out and took the keys from there, also I cannot install an locker box because the manager from the building not allowing it my flat is 5 minutes walking from Maryland Station does anyone know any keys exchange in this area apart from KeyNest ? 

2 Replies 2
Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Kenia10

as our Community Center is a global forum, it may be a bit difficult to get ideas about area-specific information. I would recommend you join and ask this question to Local Hosts through the Local Host Clubs. You can connect with fellow hosts local to your area. You can share your experiences, exchange valuable knowledge and get advice. 

I hope this helps!



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Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Absolutely guests are not going to want to arrive in a strange city and have to find a key store first and then make their way to your listing.


you could meet guests on arrive and handover the keys.


it's exceptionally risky in London to leave your key under a pot. Not only do you risk being broken into but you put other residents in the block at risk .


And please revise how you respond to guests who have been complaining about cleanliness , broken items at your place, lack of locks etc.


it will certainly put other guests booking with you . 

you should be factual, calm and polite.