Dummy Proofing a Home- a How to Guide?

Level 10
Toronto, Canada

Dummy Proofing a Home- a How to Guide?

I have had needless damages over the years from long term and short term renters. The most common one was not turning on the fan in the bathroom leading to peeling paint and mold. Thousands of dollars in damage later, I have thought of some ways to protect the home from tenant/guest mistreatment. Any other ideas/suggestions would be helpful. We are currently fully renovating a property and are utilizing these to avoid future damages


1) Installing a sensor shower fan that turns on automatically when it senses humidity. Costs about $100 Canadian in Costco


2) Tiling the entire bathroom to avoid having to repaint this high traffic area often. It also does make the bathroom look larger depending on the tile colour and lighting. This is only a feasible option if you are already doing a renovation. Otherwise, it is too costly.


3) Installing luxury vinyl instead of hardwood to limit scratches and water damage. Vinyl is also cheaper than hardwood and looks really good these days


4) Using mattress protectors to avoid permanent stains on the mattress


5) Using chip resistant dishes. I found a pair on Amazon. They cost more than regular dishes but I think you make the money back after about 6 months. Our plates start seeing chips just after a few months


6) Using stain resistant paint to avoid scuffs and marks on the walls. I have used Ultra Spec Scuff-X from Benjamin Moore on one property. 8 months later, I still do not see one mark anywhere that cannot be wiped away. It is a higher quality paint, a little more expensive but thus far, worth it.


That is all I can think of at the moment. Any other suggestions are appreciated.

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Toronto, Canada

oh and I would add exterior security cameras to heed off reckless guests who want to throw a raging party.

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

OOOoo I do love a How to Guide @Sean433. Thank you for creating this. 


Based on the points you have highlighted here, would you say any are top priority? 


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