Error booking

Level 1
Roscoe, TX

Error booking

I am receiving the following message when trying to reserve a space. Any feedback on resolving this? “Something went wrong. Please try again”

2 Replies 2

@Kamri3 The "Something went wrong. Please try again" error message on Airbnb typically indicates a temporary issue that can be resolved immediately, unless there are other flags or reasons why you're seeing this error. Make sure your Airbnb app or web browser is up to date. If you're using a browser, try switching to a different one or clearing the cache. If you continue to encounter the error after trying these steps, it would be a good idea to contact Airbnb support for assistance. Hope this helps! 

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Kamri3, sorry to hear you're experiencing some troubles. Could you try these following steps please:


  • Log out (on all affected devices/browsers)
  • Close all browser windows/tabs (on all affected devices/browsers)
  • Open ONE new window (on all affected devices/browsers)
  • Clear cache and cookies and browser history (on all affected devices/browsers)
  • Delete & re-install app (if applicable)
  • Log in with your email from your account

Do let me know how you get on 😊



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