As a guest I feel I should not have to pay a very expensive ...
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As a guest I feel I should not have to pay a very expensive host fee? Like prices fees and taxes aren't high enough?
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Hello fellow hosts, as a newbie, I wanted to ask a question.
From my understanding, the evaluation period for superhosts takes two weeks from the end of the evaluated period because that's how long guests have to complete their reviews for that period. So...
If a guest leaves a review during those two following weeks (but for a stay that started before the evaluation period ended, in this case until the end of December 2016) does their review count regardless of whether you also leave a review and it becomes public?
Or... If you only leave a review after the two week evaluation period ends, does it not apply?
Sorry, a bit of a technical question here, but just trying to understand how it all works.
By the way, this is not a request to find out whether being a Superhost makes a difference to your listing position, bookings or any similar issues.
Thank you!
Yes you are right! The evaluation period ended as of 30th June and hostings after that will count in the October assessment.
The delay time is to allow for reviews of stays that were completed before the 30th June to be received and posted by ABB
Ok so it wasn't you! I also answer questions on the experts group now and a question came in from a Huma and I just assumed it was you....I wondered why I didn't get a response, now I know, it wasn't you!!
Hi @Robin4, well it's an unusual name, but there are a few of us about! Didn't know there was another Huma on the forums though.
Thanks for clarifyng. That make sense as to why I didn't get the superhost status. I think the last few reviews which pushed me over the 80% threshold didn't count.
What I still don't understand though is why it was telling me the period being reviewed was 1st October 2016 to 30th September 2017. That can't be correct, can it? Any ideas?
@Huma0 , that's the current period, being accounted for now. That notification came up a bit early, I saw it too, that might have been confusing. as soon as you looked at it on July first, that is what came up. so the last review period ended June 3O, right? so the current one will end Sept. 30. that's all it said after july 1. sometimes it's just mind boggling...
@Huma0. I started to do a reply and the power went off! Scheduled maintenance the power people say. So l am having a try at this via the phone app. It's cold outside we have guests and I will probably cop a poor review. Everything is dark and cold!!
Yeah what they are saying is correct. The assessment period July 1st 2016-June 30th 2017 is now history!! The current assessment from July Oct 1st 2016-Sept 30th 2017.....and the one after that will be Jan 1st 2017- Dec 31st get it?
@Annette33, Hey, l notice you are streaking it in the EG. In half the time you have double the output to me. Good on you.... Although I think you need to get a life away from that keyboard... Haha😃 l am just plodding along though, l am not trying to set the world on fire....
Hi @Robin4, yes that makes sense. I was just asking because it's been showing that timeframe for a few weeks now, long before 30th June.
If may interject here - this is one of my favorite topics - and even though it looks like you have all your answers, let me just confirm a couple of things I have found out.
The most important list of stats are here - and these are the only ones that the software algorithm uses to confirm SH status (or the removal of).
If you go to your listing page - click on STATS, then click on STANDARDS
- make sure your time period shows the stats for the year ending June 30th 2017 -
these are the five crucial numbers % - under the column saying YOU.
ANd now we are in a new quarter ending 30 Sept 2017 these are the figures to keep an eye on now.
And all stays that complete within the time period count - but not the review period - and only reviews received in the time period count - even though a review for a stay completed in the time period comes through, say on July 1st, it will not be counted. And if anyone can follow what I just wrote (it is making even me dizzy and I wrote it! 🙂 this is confirmed data if anyone wonders!
Hope that helps,
Best Wishes,
@Rachael26 thank you for that summary! Following your instructions I can now see I missed Superhost by that crucial 1%.
Everything you say makes sense. I'm just puzzled by the bit where you say, "only reviews received in the time period count - even though a review for a stay completed in the time period comes through, say on July 1st, it will not be counted."
I thought the reason the review period took two weeks was to allow for any outstanding reviews from the time period to come in, therefore counting any stays during the period being evaluated, even if the review comes in after 30th June.
Hey, I can't say why you didn't get're a great host, you do put your heart and soul into it!
All I can say Huma is, don't eat your heart out over it! It won't make you a better host, in fact you will probably become a worse host because you will be zealously protecting what you have got....namely that bloody badge.
In that same period I got 56 reviews, 93% overal rating, 100% response so it never affected me but Huma, not one guest has ever said to me they booked because of my Superhost fact almost all of them said...."What does that superhost thing mean?"
Just be you, just continue to be the thoughful considerate host that you don't need a badge girl, your a diamond anyway!!
Thanks @Robin4 for your lovely words! Yes, I agree, most guests have no idea what Superhost is and don't even notice it. When I had it, I don't think it made any difference to bookings. It's more that when I miss it, I always just miss it by 1%. So annoying! Maybe they should have a badge for 'Superhost: close, but no cigar'.