My listing has been rejected for the category "Amazing Pools...
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My listing has been rejected for the category "Amazing Pools" 3 times. I have called each time to get absolutely no help. I...
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I rented my place for 12 guests to a first time Airbnb user. I was very clear that no additional visitors are welcome on the property besides the 12 guests, especially during Covid. The guest agreed to these terms by booking.
Today an airstream appears and is parked on my property. Looking at my camera footage at least 1 additional guest is now staying onsite. Someone also brought a dog today, whom wasn't staying on our property- which is also against our rules.
My husband doesn't want "drama" but I'm pretty pissed off. They're staying for one more night, I messaged them about the situation about 4 hours ago and they haven't responded. I live next door, so it's not like this would go unnoticed!
Thoughts on what to do from here?
@Brady---Shae0 I see you are experienced hosts with 391 reviews. I'm astounded that you've never run into this sort of thing before. The guests have taken total advantage of you, agreeing to something and then outright ignoring it, disrespecting you and your property. If your husband considers telling guests they can't treat your property as if they owned it as "drama", I don't know what to say. I would have marched right over there as soon as the other people showed up, asked them what they thought they were doing, that they are trespassing, and to leave immediately. Are you running a free campground? Barring that, if you are just going to let them all stay since it's just one more night, please make sure to leave an honest review to warn other hosts of these presumptuous guests.
We are very strict with our rules, which is why this hasn't happened before....our camera is facing the area where they parked their trailer. When they got here their dog ran over to our yard. My husband immediately got up from dinner and told the owner he couldn't have his dog on our property. We had company over for dinner at the time and were distracted, but as soon as I watched the camera footage we saw that he just put his dog in his airstream, then left and didn't return until 10pm. I messaged the guest immediately, no response, still. We've told her if they're not gone first thing in the AM we will have to evacuate their entire party from the premises.
I am in the exact same situation with my current guest! My space only accommodates 4 guests. Upon booking, the woman asked if she could bring a 5th guest to which I replied no since we are only set up for 4 and it is tight quarters as is. Additionally, I typically charge an extra fee for any guest over 2 but have not been doing so since Covid. She did not reply to my message or correspond with me at all until just now letting me know that they checked out about 45 minutes ago. Not only did they bring the 5th guest but they also brought a dog which is very clearly stated against policy online in my listing, printed in a manual in the space itself, then again in the first paragraph of my welcome sign. I also state that any evidence of any pets (or smoking) will incur a minimum fee of $250. I know that is steep but it is stated in hopes of deterring guests from breaking these rules. Since you have videos be sure to download them as you will need them to prove your case if you decide to fine them. Otherwise a very honest review is in order. I do check them before approving and the reviews have saved me from approving some not desirable guests.
It's a very frustrating experience to have a guest completely disregard your rules! We have a $500 dog fee, and plan on charging them fully. Additionally, if they do not agree to leave peacefully we will be calling the sheriff to have them trespassed off the property. I'm more upset about the dog, it's clearly stated all over everything that dogs aren't allowed, just like your listing. I have an Aussie that sometimes attacks other dogs on the property- he's a farm dog and it's his job. When guests show up with other animals it's a danger to everyone involved.
I generally shy away from first time Airbnb users- but we really needed the money after so many Covid cancellations. Learned my lesson, again!
We have been hosting 3.5 years and have two properties. Virtually no problems until Covid. We have also been having booking requests phishing us to click a link by stating there are two listings with the same photos, which one is real and threatening to report it to the police (no reviews), another request asking if they can park in our garage and for entry code without booking (and never booked) and then a woman with no reviews who tried to alter her reservation the day of her arrival to a month later "or whatever date is better for us" - AirBnB contacted me multiple times on her behalf to issue her the remaining refund. I always feel that they tend to side with the guests unless you put up a big fight. They really need to require more verification of identity. It literally takes just a few minutes to sign up and book an AirBnB with just a phone number. I would really like to know how AirBnB handles this if you wouldn't mind following up?