Level 1
Manchester, United Kingdom



7 Replies 7

@Anthony-S-Haven0 your 2 listings are great, however, there's a slow in bookings during this time. But you may consider the following to possibly get more bookings. 


-Ensure your listing photos are high-quality, well-lit, and showcase the best features of your space. Consider hiring a professional photographer. Write clear, detailed descriptions of your space. Highlight unique amenities, local attractions, and any special features your place offers.

- Provide a detailed welcome guide with instructions for your home and tips for exploring the local area. Consider offering additional amenities or services, such as breakfast options, local guides, or anything that can make your listing stand out.

-After each stay, encourage your guests to leave a review. Positive reviews can significantly boost your listing's attractiveness.

-Utilize Airbnb’s tools for offering discounts for longer stays or last-minute bookings to attract guests. Hope this helps! 

Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hello @Anthony-S-Haven0, I hope everything is going well.


Have you had the chance to read the great advice shared by Alicia? Let us know if you are planning to implement any of them.


I am also sharing another thread where our Hosts were sharing some ideas on how to increase bookings.


I hope you find this useful.



Please follow the Community Guidelines // Por favor consulta las Normas de la comunidad

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Welcome to the community @Anthony-S-Haven0 


I'm surprised @Alicia753  calls your listings great - unfortunately from a guests point of view looking at them,  that is not the case and there is much you can do to improve them which in turn will attract bookings.


Here are my suggestions based on actually reviewing both your listings rather than providing standard replies.


1. Your calendar is blocked out on both listings for most of the time so even if people wanted to book they can't


2. I would suggest you go through room by room and dress each room so it looks neat, tidy and attractive (look at listings of superhosts in Manchester to see how they describe their listings, how they photograph it and how they dress their accommodation and the amenities they include, make the beds properly with simple, neutral attractive linens,  add posters/artwork and decor to your rooms


3. Ask someone you know who is a good photographer to retake the photos once you have done that - they need to clearly show each room (and may need two or three photos for each room)


4. Write a comprehensive description  with a strong intro and of your listing room by room ie 'cosy three bed modern house in the heart of Manchester city centre ideal for those coming to our city for work, to visit family and friends and as tourist'


5. Describe your location - nearby attractions, transport, shops, food etc


6. Your second listing describes the location but doesn't describe the area

@Helen3It's not unfortunate because that is my perspective when I checked @Anthony-S-Haven0 's listings. All hosts have different perspectives, if you don't find it "looking great" that's fine. But we must respect all Host's perspectives. Another thing is that I didn't just put in there the listing looks great, I also gave tips on how to possibly get more bookings. 🙂 

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Absolutely hosts have different opinions . However I don't think you did look at his listing in any detail as you didn't pick up any key issues that are preventing him from getting bookings @Alicia753  .


You just provided  generic advice on getting more bookings that applies to any listing .

doing this and telling him he has a great listing is not helpful when there are some key changes he could make that would improve his chances of getting booked and becoming a successful host.

@Helen3 Sorry but you can't say that you think I didn't look at his listing. If you don't like his listing that's your opinion and I respect that. If I say that his listing is great, that's my perspective, please respect that.

I believe there's no incorrect info on my response to this question from @Anthony-S-Haven0. Also, to my understanding, the spirit of this community forum is that all Host's perspectives are welcome in terms of other Hosts asking for tips and suggestions.

Additionally, since I have been noticing you on a few of my recommendations, suggestions, or responses here in the community in a not-so-positive way, I guess my 2 cents on this scenario is that recommend whatever you think can help other hosts and I'll recommend whatever I believe can help them. It's up to them who and what recommendations they'll follow, there's no competition here. At the end of the day, all hosts have different ways of becoming excellent Airbnb hosts. Thank you!

Level 2

Hi @Anthony-S-Haven0 ,


For my listing, I have the Smart Pricing enabled.   I think this helps a lot since if your place is priced competitively, they may select your listing.


Once you get enough bookings and positive reviews, you will become a superhost.  Having this status will get you more bookings.