Feature Suggestion

Level 1
Panama City, Panama

Feature Suggestion

When searching for available listings on the map, it would be most useful to have indicators showing north, south, east or west. Some countries, like Colombia, make extensive usage of cardinal directions and since I travel a lot to Colombia, knowing if the listing is either north, south, east or west, makes it easier for me to make a choice.

2 Replies 2
Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello @Arturo14, how are you doing? how is hosting going so far? 😊

Thank you for taking the time out to write this feedback. I will pass on your thoughts and concerns to the relevant team. If would like to, you could also write your feedback on this form

Best wishes,




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Top Contributor
Buckeye, AZ

@Arturo14 @Sophia 

I am Arizona and yes the state is very set on nN. S. E. or W of Phoenix.  I think I will ad my location to my title and see if it generates a reaction.  Thank you, Great Idea