I agree that unless you are planning to use the "request money" feature, it's not advisable to give a guest the heads up that you are less than delighted with their stay - it will almost certainly result in a less than glowing review as you have discovered. I agree with @Luana130 - the way to handle this is via review (which the guest cannot see until they have left theirs - so they cannot be influenced by it) You could mark down on cleanliness adn say something like " xxx was pleasant but significantly more time was needed for cleaning after he checked out" If you wished THAT would have been the place to have sent private feedback re the messiness
I also agree that generally speaking you do not address PRIVATE feedback from a guest on the PUBLIC review. However in your instance I don't think it will do any harm at all - in fact I think it may be helpful. You were very polite and diplomatic and future guests reading your comments will be able to see why your stars are perhaps lower and realise you had an unreasonable guest. Future hosts of this guest will see a potential trouble maker based on his review of you and your response to him.
It's so frustrating when you receive an unfair rating, but there's very little you can do. Try to focus on the next great guest and move forward...