Full-length Mirrors?

Level 10
Greenville, SC

Full-length Mirrors?



I’ve been reading that full-length mirrors are often appreciated by guests.  I’ve been looking around at stand-alone mirrors, wall-mounted mirrors, leaning mirrors, etc.  Do any of you provide full-length mirrors for your guests?  If you provide stand-alone or leaning mirrors, are they durable and safe?  The last thing I want is someone to shatter a mirror and hurt themselves.


32 Replies 32
Level 10
Toronto, Canada

Being an ABNB guest in the past I can’t say that I remember places for their mirrors. Usually there was a half size wall mirror in the bathrooms, and that was all we needed. I have fond memories of kind hosts, clean comfy beds and roaming amazing cities. As @Helen427  mentioned, I don’t think people travel to look at themselves for longer periods of time. A quick check will do.

Level 2
Perkiomenville, PA

I provide one. It’s mounted to the inside of a closet door.

Level 10
Charleston, SC


At first I thought this was a ridiculous request as the bathroom mirror is pretty big but full length mirror has been one of the only suggestions over the years. 

The box mine came in looked like it fell off the truck on the interstate but  it's still in good condition so hopefully will hold up to guest, although they mange to break everything else! 
