Guest Books: the ones the guests sign and fill out on their last day (not welcome books giving guests info)

Guest Books: the ones the guests sign and fill out on their last day (not welcome books giving guests info)

IS THERE A DIGITAL version of these books?

I'm talking about the journal type books you normally find (usually on the coffee table) at a vacation home - where you get to read about other guests’ visits and where they are from, dates of their stay, etc.  And guests can share (optional) their own experiences/comments for future guests to see.


I'm NOT talking about the "Welcome Books" that share instructions on how to turn on the TV or use the toaster, and gives recommendations to restaurants, etc.  I already have one of those in place digitally with a QR code prominently posted in the rental.


I live too far away from my rental, and I want to set-up a digital guest book.  I can't figure out how to do it.  Perhaps there's a website service that already does this for a $?  Anyone know or have an idea?

4 Replies 4

@Rob8148  I can only speak for myself here, but as a guest I feel like a digital guest book would be redundant because Airbnb already prompts us to publish a review for each stay. I've never left a vacation rental wishing I'd had more opportunities to type stuff about it into an app. Have you? 

I don't know much about this. But I tried to search it online on google search. And found this link for you. I hope it will help you. Or let me know I am right track for searching that you actually want to find. If not then I will try to find other websites link for you on google search.

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