Guest Extortion & Retaliatory Review

Guest Extortion & Retaliatory Review


My wife and I have been superhosts for several years now with 6 properties listed on Airbnb.  

We received a retaliatory review in response to not giving a guest a free night, as it was very clear they were extorting us.  


My understanding is that extortion is against airbnb’s policy, and we are seeking to have this all 1 star review removed, however we have not been able to talk to anyone at Airbnb who has the ability to do so. 

We have almost 1,000 reviews and have been committed to Airbnb since 2019. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

Thank you so much,


1 Reply 1
Top Contributor
Buckeye, AZ


The review would be retaitory if her statement of seeking a 1 night refund because your rental did not have water for a significant amount of time.

Did you have a water problem that severe?