Guest checked out early & requests refund

Level 7
Dresden, ME

Guest checked out early & requests refund

I had guests check in and spend one night. They got a discount for no cancellation.  After the first night I got a message saying the ladder to the loft was too slippery for his wife to feel comfortable climbing in her socks so they spent the night on the first floor sofa. They said the wife woke up because she heard squealing sounds and thought she saw something on the floor. They were sleeping in a small space, there is no carpet or anything a creature could have hidden in. They said they couldn’t tell if the squealing sound was coming from inside or outside but that it would stop when they turned on their flashlights…


First: we clearly state that access to the loft is by ladder. It’s actually hand built by a friend and the rungs are wide and flat. The handrails are wide with open handles that are easy to grip. There are several images of it in the listing. It is OAK and firmly held to the loft…We clearly state that if you’re not comfortable climbing ladders this is not the place for you.

Second: there is no evidence of any creature inside the cabin. It’s a small space so I don’t understand why they didn’t turn on the nightlight or just look under around.

third: we have never had an issue with either of these things before. 
i think I’m just irritated because I go to great lengths to make sure that people understand our listings limitations. I even ask people to confirm that they understand the limitations before booking but this feels silly sometimes…

It’s very frustrating…

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