Guest has complained from arriving

Level 2
Bath, United Kingdom

Guest has complained from arriving

My guest arrived today, late and said she couldn’t find the house, I had sent simple directions and photo of house. I told her she was 2 mins away she turned up an hr later, saying she was fuming and thought I should have picked her up. 
I showed her room and bathroom, she said didn’t like shower over bath, asked me how she was supposed to eat if I don’t do meals.  The village is 5 min walk with shops restaurants, takeaways, pubs etc. this went on for an hr, I kept saying I had to go and make an important call to get away. I’m gutted and in bed now as it really is a stunning room and bathroom, I put coffee tea hot choc biscuits etc in room with kettle which isn’t even advertised, it’s a good gesture. I’m dreading the morning already as I know she will start again. I’m a super host and everyone is happy here. 

Top Answer
Level 10
London, United Kingdom



I am sorry you've got this unappreciative guest. I have experienced this type of guest and that sinking feeling you get when they show up and you realise nothing you can do is going to make them happy. 


I pretty much agree with @Anonymous 's advice. If it is a very short stay, take a deep breath as it will be over soon. If it's longer, maybe it is better to be rid of this guest or at least set the boundaries. Whenever I have been in this situation and thought I will just ride through it and try to make the guest happier, I have almost always regretted it. Some people are impossible to please.

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16 Replies 16

Hello,yes definitely I had to bite my tongue and smile this morning as she’s still moaning about locking my front door when she goes out, she’s from Australia and well traveled so I presume she lives  somewhere that you don’t need to lock your doors.   I will try one more night, to please her then try what Andrew suggested.  

Level 10
Hay Valley, Australia

normally I love my 70yo guests, they usually are quite self-reliant, not entitled and very tidy. They will often have technology fails, or rather, they aren't on their phones all the time so messages don't get read. So long as they can have a cup of tea they are usually happy, sorry to hear about this situation.