Guest leaves 4 star review

Level 2
Golden Lake, Canada

Guest leaves 4 star review

We have been hosting for 2 years and are Superhosts.  Up till September every single guest review was 5 Star.  Until one in September rated us 4 star for no reason that we know of. His written review was ok - short & sweet. There were no complaints, yet his less that 5 star has now brought our listing down to 4.98 average.  Question is: does this ever go away or change or does that less than perfect review stay on out Airbnb page forever?  

33 Replies 33

After several hours on the phone today again (like yesterday and day before, for weeks), we are about to drop out of this Airbnb madhouse. We simply do not need this disturbance in our life. I wish I did not remember how BRILLIANT this platform, community, support was six, five, four years ago. What is happening at the moment is sick, unacceptable, unhealthy for the community and we see no reason to be part of this ridiculousness. I was on the phone with them whole morning, several hours. All they do is push you from one department to the other, everyone is out of any capacity to do anything worth mentioning. Just pushing you thru dozens of doors and no solutions. Those hours of our life will never be returned. We are saddened by the fact that Airbnb community is rotting because of the corporation itself. Sad. Very sad! But hey, we were happy to be proud part of healthy community and refuse being part of rotten one, who latterly care ONLY about the profit. They are eating off (destroying) their own limbs (hosts). We are considering canceling all 34 reservations for next couple of months and send Airbnb to hell. We LLOOVEED working with them for years, they were beyond fantastic at the beginning, always decent and willing/capable to help, resolve, do whatever needed to be done. Those times are over. VRBO, GLAMPINGHUB, TRIPADVISOR, BOOKING.COM and other platforms exist out there. Sure, they have their own share of issues, but nothing as disturbing as Airbnb is exercising with its hosts lately. Sickening situation and not an easy one to digest. Wećll try to remember Airbnb for what used to be: cool, open, progressive and fun. All is gone, sadly 😞 All in all, we have exhausted all the options, have zero solutions to eather try or recomend but abandening the platform alltogether and try more luck with other ones. Makes us sad, but we seems exhausted all options and at the moment see no other decent ones inside of Airbnb community  😞

Level 2
New York, NY

The rating system is complete trash. Your rating should be a calculation equally weighting score for each of the 5 categories to determine the overall rating for each guest. Making guest choose 1 overall rating and that being the only factor that influences your rating as a host is absurd. What happens over and over is 5 stars for everything but one area which is given a 4 and 4 stars overall rather than  what should be a 4.8.  @Airbnb you really need a better system here. It's a pretty simple formula. 

Level 2
San Diego, CA

@Marilyn395 I am wondering if we can request a review be taken out of the average if information was incorrect.  I just got a 3 out of 5 in one category.   The guest cited confusing instructions.  I pointed her to available information answering these questions both on airBNB and my guest web page.   Would airbnb consider taking down this review?

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Leigh432 , thank you for sharing your question in this thread. Since this thread is from 2020, Hosts may possibly miss your comment and question given it's from an older thread. Would you like to share your question with other Hosts by 👉 starting a new conversation here? 👈



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