Guest threatening to post bad review

Level 2
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Guest threatening to post bad review

Hello Airbnb community,


I have been officially hosting regulary since June. I do my best to be the most accommodating host and travel an hour and half to do key transfers and make sure everything is clean and set for my guests. I provide guides and answer quickly. I have a specific situation I would like some insight and advice on. 

I currently have a couple staying in my listing who I've had miscommunication from the start. The first thing was the check in. Upon asking the day before, do you expect to arrive 2-4 pm which is my check in time, the guest let me know that they wouldn't arrive until 11 pm. I said fine, I'll set up a lockbox for you as long as you can take it off - because the city where I airbnb cuts off lockboxes and my listing is in an apartment building so the only way is to attach it to public property. I sent a video on how to. And double checked with him since he didn't do it the first day. He distracted me by asking for a second set of keys which I clarified, would have needed to be requested ahead of time and also would have had to be in person since I didn't trust to leave both keys in a public lockbox.


The next thing was the second set of keys. He asked me to mail them which I said I wouldn't because if they got lost, it is a 500 euro fine for me. He kept messaging me to meet to pick up the keys and finally I said if you don't have a set time, please stop asking. At some point, I remembered to ask about the lockbox for a third or fourth time and as I was trying to avoid, the lockbox was cut off. He said he thought I had someone pick it up which I don't understand since I was expecting him to take it off the first day. I asked for reimbursement of 17 euro and he said it was not his responsibility as an airbnb guest because it was not on the property. I pointed out that I avoided the lockbox setup fee of 50 euro and the late check in fee of up to 150 euro for him; as well as, that I had asked him three times to remove the lockbox in our airbnb messages with a video in whatsapp messages too. He essentially responded threatening to leave a bad review by implying that "all of our interactions will inform the review we will eventually leave for the property". As of now, I responded with just "likewise". 


I am uncomfortable with the situation. I don't like the communication and I am wondering how to handle all this. They are supposed to stay until September 20th. I don't know what to do moving forward. Do I charge them after the stay and involve Airbnb? And how much since they stated they are only responsible for the house rules I had set which does not include lost lockbox but does include lockbox set up fee and late check in. As well as, how do reviews work if they leave one that is bad just to hurt your image in spite? If you check my profile, I have only 5 stars because I make sure to have good relations and communication with all my guests. I'm sure one bad review won't hurt but I would like to avoid it if it is false. And more importantly, I want to learn how to handle guests like this who make me uncomfortable even airbnbing my home to them. 


Any advice or insight would be helpful. Thank you ahead of time. 

Happy Hosting! 

Top Answer
Level 10
Irvine, CA

@Sonia1891 Sorry to hear about your negative experience with these guests. First and foremost a guest should not 'threaten" a bad review in order to avoid following rules and/or getting what he wants. make sure you keep all this documented, and in the case he leaves a negative review, you have support to have it removed. That being said, I would never recommend conversing off the platform. The best way to keep things documented and in order should problems arise is via the platform.


 As for the charges. If you clearly mention in your listing that there are fees for certain things, then you have a right to request those fees. But keep in mind this is a request, meaning the guest can decline it. I would put in the request for the funds and be specific per your home rules. Since the events already occurred in which you are charging for there is no need to wait till after check-out. As for the lost lock box, this is tricky.  Knowing your placing something out that is not allowed by the city you have to assume some risk for it getting removed. Do we hope guest do as we ask, sure. Do they always, absolutely not. I might just chalk this one up as a loss to avoid further confrontation. Lockbox's are fairly inexpensive to replace. 


 It sounds like things got off on the wrong foot and poor communication led to some issues. Personally, if there were no further issues are huge concerns (them damaging things etc) I would let them ride out their stay. However, in the end, you have the right to host or not host people based on whether you are comfortable. If you would to end their reservation early you can request airbnb do so. 

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5 Replies 5
Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Sonia1891,


I'm sorry you're facing this situation despite your efforts to be accommodating. Have you tried contacting customer support?


I’ve tagged a few hosts who have previously discussed challenging guests and might be able to offer some valuable insights.


@Zheng49 @Oliver886 @Craig-and-Lynne0 @Bronwyn100 @Kia272 @Mike-And-Jane0 @Desy17 @Sudsrung0 @Mark116 






Please follow the Community Guidelines // Volg de communityrichtlijnen

Level 10
Hardys Bay, Australia

I found that Airbnb did not assist me. 

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

@Bronwyn100 I'm sorry to hear that that was the case for you. Do you have any advice you can offer @Sonia1891 in her situation as she's new to hosting and is dealing with a challenging situation?



Please follow the Community Guidelines // Volg de communityrichtlijnen

Level 2
Los Angeles, CA

My best advice is to never trust Airbnb as a source of income. They will not help you, and they will always always always prioritize their bottom line over doing anything remotely ethical.

Level 10
Irvine, CA

@Sonia1891 Sorry to hear about your negative experience with these guests. First and foremost a guest should not 'threaten" a bad review in order to avoid following rules and/or getting what he wants. make sure you keep all this documented, and in the case he leaves a negative review, you have support to have it removed. That being said, I would never recommend conversing off the platform. The best way to keep things documented and in order should problems arise is via the platform.


 As for the charges. If you clearly mention in your listing that there are fees for certain things, then you have a right to request those fees. But keep in mind this is a request, meaning the guest can decline it. I would put in the request for the funds and be specific per your home rules. Since the events already occurred in which you are charging for there is no need to wait till after check-out. As for the lost lock box, this is tricky.  Knowing your placing something out that is not allowed by the city you have to assume some risk for it getting removed. Do we hope guest do as we ask, sure. Do they always, absolutely not. I might just chalk this one up as a loss to avoid further confrontation. Lockbox's are fairly inexpensive to replace. 


 It sounds like things got off on the wrong foot and poor communication led to some issues. Personally, if there were no further issues are huge concerns (them damaging things etc) I would let them ride out their stay. However, in the end, you have the right to host or not host people based on whether you are comfortable. If you would to end their reservation early you can request airbnb do so.