Guest with 3 rating but no reviews

Level 2
Coopers Shoot, Australia

Guest with 3 rating but no reviews

I have an upcoming guest that has a rating of 3 but no reviews. Can anyone make sense of this. I called and asked Airbnb support but they weren’t able to explain why. 

4 Replies 4
Level 10
England, United Kingdom

@Bruno1316 This doesn't really make any sense. There have been suggestions in the past that when textual reviews are deleted the ratings still stand but I have no idea if this is true.

@Bruno1316 , I had one guest that I gave a poor rating (3 star) but didn’t say anything in my written review. I just left a “.”  There wasn’t anything horrible about the guest but I really didn’t have anything positive to say. I did mark the button that I would not recommend to other host(s). 

If there is no written review, does it show the host(s) that left the 3 star rating. If it does show the host, I would reach out to the host(s) and inquire why the 3 star etc… If the rating does not show a host(s) information etc…I guess you’ll need to rely on your gut instinct.



Level 2
Coopers Shoot, Australia

No - that’s my point, there are no reviews, just a score of 3. My question was not really about the guest or how to deal with them but more  how such a scenario could exist. Seems like others are perplexed too.


@Bruno1316 A possible reason is if your guest had a previous stay, the review they received from the host was just a rating without writing a detailed review. Another possibility is that the review were previously written but later removed, either by the host or Airbnb. However, the ratings might still remain on the guest’s profile. But these are the only possible reasons I can think of, Airbnb support has the capacity to check this so I'm not sure why they can't explain it.  You might consider reiterating these points with Airbnb support for further clarification. Hope this helps!