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I had 4 bookings in a row book and then immediately cancel because we send out this automated booking message for multiple reasons- we are licensed and there is a 3 strike rule and fines by our city, we had a guest invite locals over to do laundry and clogged our sewage pipe and sewage backed up in tub, people who say they are visiting family always bring the family to our house, not visit at theirs. Since the new licensing requirements this year I’ve noticed other local listings now saying similar things- guests can’t have guests, no visitors, max occupancy whether staying over or visiting. What makes guests think they can play host and invite people over?
@Dawn241The general rule is ' no guests except those on the reservation'... This can be modified by 'visitors only allowed by consultation with the host ' as well as ' extra guests cannot exceed our registered numbers , but extra guests within these numbers can be accomodated at the discretion of the host' and will attract an 'extra guest fee' . Make sure Dawn that you have an 'extra guest fee' and that you check before arrival of the guest ,about numbers . A reminder at this time to read all the rules should give them pause for thought and if extra guests arrive that you are aware of, then send a message asking, if they have visitors, and remind them that only those with a reservation are allowed at the property Dawn . Make sure those rules are in place . Be careful about talking about 'visitors ' doing laundry as I do not know how you would be aware of that ... H
I’ve been hosting at this location for 6 years. The extra guest fee over 2 didn’t work here. They would always pick 2 and bring as many as they wanted anyway. Our max is for 4 total. 2 bed/1 bath. We don’t need extra people over using the bathroom and doing laundry especially after the blocked sewage pipe episode.
Outdoor security cameras showed a girl coming over with a wash basket and outside she made a comment- here’s my laundry.
@Dawn241 we have lots of guests visiting family. Most ask if the family can visit them - some just allow family to visit. It probably costs us a tenth of one percent of the booking value so we are not going to complain. To suggest a visiting guest makes a party is a twisting of the no parties policy.
It’s not the cost. City of Bisbee enacted a three strike and your out rule for for Airbnb hosts because several airbnb parties are ruining things for the locals. Fines are $500, $2500, $5000. We have an annual $250 license fee, fire inspection, and max occupancy. We have to notify all adjacent neighbors- either side, behind, across the street of our license number and emergency contact info. The emergency contact has to live within 1 hour. Until recently I lived 2 hours away so we had to list my 70 year old mother.
The last group that had 3 adults and 2 kids stay overnight (our max occupancy is 4, a third adult showed up overnight) had a parade of different people coming and going every day for a week some of which brought their laundry over, backed up the sewage pipe, sewage backed up into the tub, they left and didn’t tell me about the blockage, and my mother found it- we were 6 hours away on vacation.
So yes, since the new licensing requirements most listings have strong language about guests not allowed to have guests, no parties, etc. our house is on the bigger size for bisbee so people think they can fit more people in and they just do it.
Correction- fines are $500, $1000, $3500