Guests who have to be right

Level 10
Frederick, MD

Guests who have to be right

We have a pretty thorough house guide. Guests sometimes just ignore it. Every so often we get someone who reads it and either doesn't follow the instructions or understand the instructions because they have interpreted them in some sort of strange way. Then its a "I don't know how to use this or that." We explain and instead of just saying "thanks! got it" some guests insist on pointing out how we are somehow wrong or the explanation is unacceptably unclear. Couldn't be that a hundred and change other people figured it out and they were just having a moment. Its GOT TO BE CHANGED because ITS WRONG. Lots of ego wrapped up in the interpretation of this insignificant thing.


This is just part of the emotional labor of hosting and I know that--the old adage of "the customer is always right." Still it sometimes just needles me. We are always very accommodating and thank the guest for their input. But do you ever just feel like saying "Its not me, its you"?

15 Replies 15
Level 10
Bali, Indonesia

Emotional labour... Huahahahhahahahahhathe word i have heard so much.. but not as i appriciate as now..


Hosting is like a roller coaster of emotional labour / bully hahaha .. we host and not allowed to be too honest or lie.. 


To sacrifice our emotional... For our responsibility as priority over our pride, but once and a while there are other guess that sparckels, a beutiful magic..


Magicly remind us why we are passionate in this art..


Is hosting, making money, and pleassure.. through our passion.. 


If just not stopped temporarilly by pandemic.. 


It is what we do.. the pandemic are an emotional rape.. thats what i think.. 


Thank you for being apart os some thing amazing 


Sincerely, -MANASUI-


















Jeffrey Bong