Having problems verifying payoneer

Having problems verifying payoneer


I opened a payoneer account to be receiving payments from Airbnb, the only option to me from my region. I'm able to withdraw into my bank account alright. However I'm finding it difficult completing the application for a payoneer Mastercard. .

I'm at a stage where it's asking for a screenshot of my website with my details. Is there an Airbnb page with my details, including email address that I can Screenshot?

Thank you


1 Reply 1
Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
Terneuzen, Netherlands

Hi @Osay-Osman0 !


Have you found any info about this yet or managed to finish the Mastercard application? If not, you could try asking your question in one of the local Host Clubs. You can find them here: https://community.withairbnb.com/t5/Get-Local/ct-p/en_clubs


I hope that helps. 😃



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