Hi, I'm Nena.I just had a situation with a guest.Upon arrivi...
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Hi, I'm Nena.I just had a situation with a guest.Upon arriving home, an hour later, she canceled her stay.Her argument was th...
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This is disgusting and even more so when you are now the target of a claim. The person involved took two clocks - one a JBL clock with Bluetooth which we placed on the fridge in the kitchen to be used for the speaker function and a small simple clock in the bedroom. When I cleaned the home I noticed the 2 clocks were missing, sent the guest a request for the return of the clocks. I put in a request for reimbursement from Air bnb as I did not have the items returned, and things got nasty from there. He accused me of hidden cameras! Please be careful out there as he turned my home upside down, took the items and has now put up a review and comment in reference to the home having hidden cameras. Feeling sick that someone who has no proof accuse you and place ANY doubt for future bookings.
There was no texting between the guest and myself and this is always my rule. all correspondence was done through Air bnb's message section. All of the above was done and no resolution.
@Catherine-Powell is this something you may be able to help @Tracey471 in Twin Waters, Australia, resolve in your role?
Thanks in advance
Thanks Helen. The guest is threatening to take the clock he stole to the authorities with the supposed hidden camera! This guy is scary because I have some proof he could set me up. We have a security camera (disclosed in our listing and guest book inside the home) on the front as we run our finance business from there during the week - only air bnb on weekends and holidays. Anyway, after I cleaned and noticed the missing clocks I checked the front door footage. He had a camera tripod and light that he brought into and out of the house, and a female came and left at 1 in the morning. 2 large suitcases as well for a 2 night stay for one person. So odd. I now have an idea of what he uses air bnb houses for! Anyway, so over air bnb and I have 2 properties listed. No support so I’m considering moving to another platform or pulling them completely. I must be so naive as I cannot believe there are people out there that can do this and get away with it. 😔
Hi @Tracey471
I feel your pain and anger. Totally understand it! The feeling of violation of trust and support.
However moving to another platform could simply be offer you more headaches.
If you do choose this option, then i would suggest staying on both platforms until you are sure the other one will do as good - or better job for you.
We have had very few losses over the years. I.e. a few towels have gone walkabout, (could be flying off the line on a windy day, or left behind at the beach) I kind of allow for this, and cater to it by choosing less popular coloured (cheap but good) towels. (We have Beige, Sunshine yellow, dark grey, almost black, and some blue towels - whatever is on special at the time!) We also have many more then we need, so we can afford to loose some without having to panic buy. But other than that nothing has disappeared.
@Tracy471, I think you also now know why he took the clocks , just in case you found out what he is doing . Obviously using your place to make porn or some such. I suggest that you ask Airbnb again to escalate this case to blacklist this guest and of your suspicions of him using the property for an illegal business, and report him to the police . Tell the so called guest that you require immediate restoration of your property or you are happy to meet him at the police station for hand over of your property . Alert police that you will want him investigated and charged with theft also it is important to collect any other evidence . Were the clocks valuable ?I suspect the other person may have taken them . Involve the police and upload all police reports , .this is a straight out case of theft.. you will not recieve an account of the goings on but suspicion of illegal activity and fear of the guest plus theft should have him blacklisted and at least some type of acknowledgement of his bad behaviour by Airbnb H
Thanks Jytte, its not about the stolen items now. It is about the fact he can threaten me (because I called him out on taking them) by lying about hidden cameras. I am in finance and understand the privacy act extremely well so for someone to accuse me of such a disgusting act makes me more than angry! I don't have anything in my homes listed on air bnb that I have any attachment to however, stealing is an offence and I simply asked for him to return or replace them. I have had different things go "missing" without claiming such as cutlery, Bluetooth cords etc.
Another thing to add to our list of precautions: photograph objects closely to show there's no hidden camera. ugh.
Also another reason not to have too many objects in the listing. It's so unfair that these LCD people are shaping the world.
You must, if you haven't already, report these people to the Authorities.
Who is to know who else they have done, or intend to do these things to others in our communities?
It could well be deemed to be a form of Blackmail or threatening behaviors.
I'm sure you have photos, and perhaps also original boxes and receipts tucked away as proof of purchase to make a claim and verify that you are speaking the truth.
I'm mystified why any person would want to take anyone else's personal property, let alone clocks.
As for the tripod camera, well that's their business so long as it's not illegal and exploitation of others.
They may be filming the stars and moon, or sunrise for all we know.
Heads up, when replying to others, you may like to use the @ button in front of a person's name who you are including in the conversation.
@Helen427 Thanks Helen, yes I did think of going to the authorities if he kept up with the harassment. I keep everything and have already supplied the original receipts to air bnb who have agreed to the claim. My only concern with the guest was a potential for blackmail as he could use his own photos to try to prove there were cameras in the home, which is why I am holding the footage of his tripod set up. I don't care what he was doing in the home (as long as it was legal). The only thing I am concerned about is my reputation! What a lesson for me in some other peoples integrity - or lack thereof, and what they are capable of with their lies.
well, he'd be a goose to try that on.
If he's using a DSLR the quality will be VASTLY different, not to mention the metadata won't support any claims. (I'm a photographer). So there's just no plausible way he could pass off his photos as the security camera photos. ok, sure a layman might fall for that trick, but if it comes to that get back in touch and i'll give you some things to request from him as "proof" but really the first clue will be the lack of distortion, and most security cameras are super super wide angle.
@Helen427 - thank you for bring my attention to this post.
Hi @Tracey471,
I understand that this is frustrating! I have asked our team to look into what happened in regards to that review, and it appears that you did have someone from our team connect with you regarding the review. Thank you for reaching out here as well.