It just took me 15 minutes to sign into Airbnb because of th...
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It just took me 15 minutes to sign into Airbnb because of their new 'I am not a robot' verification dice game! Whomever came...
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This is disgusting and even more so when you are now the target of a claim. The person involved took two clocks - one a JBL clock with Bluetooth which we placed on the fridge in the kitchen to be used for the speaker function and a small simple clock in the bedroom. When I cleaned the home I noticed the 2 clocks were missing, sent the guest a request for the return of the clocks. I put in a request for reimbursement from Air bnb as I did not have the items returned, and things got nasty from there. He accused me of hidden cameras! Please be careful out there as he turned my home upside down, took the items and has now put up a review and comment in reference to the home having hidden cameras. Feeling sick that someone who has no proof accuse you and place ANY doubt for future bookings.
@Tracy741, i think if you explain to airbnb this review should be removed and put in a claim for the clocks.H
Nope, Air bnb said his comment did not breach their policy!
In that case, file a defamation suit against the guest.
@Tracey471 Sadly Airbnb are unlikely to remove this review as they do not arbitrate on what is and is not true. I am more concerned that if Airbnb hear any suggestion of hidden cameras they will suspend your listing and ask you to prove you do not have hidden cameras. Proving a negative is, of course, near impossible.
They didn't give a hoot about my reputation or theirs. Went to a supervisor as well.
Last year we had a really unpleasant guest who, after Airbnb refused her refund claim citing no grounds, went on to report me for hidden cameras. Our listing was immediately suspended and it took a few really upsetting days to prove it was nonsense.
Some very horrible, unscrupulous guests out there - keep on at CS re removing the review. Chin up, you’ve done nothing wrong.
That is just awful. But I think ABB will help you out, as others have said. Let us know how it comes out.
No go, air bnb came back yesterday and do not care. Disgusted!
@Tracey471 - You may like to ensure you also report the said user through Feedback - did you make sure you said NO to hosting him again?
Reported him and said no to any further bookings.
There is a procedure. I’ve used it twice. Do NOT call customer service. Immediately after you notice things are wrong inbox the guest about the missing or damaged items the bill them fir it in the resolution center. If they don’t pay within three days Airbnb gets involved. Upload before and after photos and a receipt or estimate for the replacements.
I think it’s a different department from CS. Don’t use CS because they sometimes take a week or more to respond.
Not even about the $ now. Disgusted air bnb will do nothing about the slanderous comment without investigating. They said they have my back...what a load of BS.
The procedure you describe is certainly worth a go. However, the issue with it is that if the guest doesn't want to pay (which in this case is clear) and then Airbnb gets involved, Airbnb won't do anything about it other than ask the guest again if they want to pay. If the guest says no or simply doesn't respond, Airbnb aren't going to force them to pay a request for additional payment.
When I tried this and the guest ignored it, Airbnb tried to contact her and she still ignored it. They then said, case closed because they would not take a payment from the guest without her permission. It was for a small amount of money, but I was annoyed in principle.
On the other hand, when I contacted CS about the expensive door lock a guest broke, they told me to request the money from the guest and then they paid me in full when he refused to pay.
At the end of the day, it greatly depends on the individual dealing with it at Airbnb. Some reps are helpful, others are not. Doesn't seem to matter too much what department they are in!
I think it is really important to keep ALL messages between host and guest on Airbnb. If a guest messages you via text or whattsapp, reply to them.. and also confirm your reply on the Airbnb messages. Express any concerns right away by a call to Airbnb and refer them to the message thread. Airbnb Customer/Host Care and their resolution centre are two different departments. If you express an issue to customer services they will refer and send you a link to the resolution centre. Hope this helps, if not now.. but for the future