Horrible customer service

Horrible customer service

No one calls /helps nothing . They need training- new employees that are trained and willing to help 

3 Replies 3
Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Julia4531, I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble getting the support you need. It's been a while since you posted, I was wondering if you managed to get your issue resolved? 



Please follow the Community Guidelines

Hah! This absolutely proves the point, how long did it take you to respond? And how is the response even remotely helpful

Level 1
Santa Barbara, CA

"Support" is frustratingly laughable. They are completely inept, have not been trained on how to solve any issues, and refuse to let you speak to anyone who may have been trained. It's a joke, a series of "we'll call you back", or "can you repeat the issue", or "as we haven't heard from you in 10 minutes after we took 12 hours to respond to you we are closing this case" responses set up with the hope that you will get so frustrated that you stop trying.