Host lying about having to cancel when altering dates

Host lying about having to cancel when altering dates


I requested the host if I could alter the check in date by a day and have an early check in. He refused the early check in (although his listing says he will try and accommodate early morning check ins or hold guests' bags). But then he proceeded to say that I would have to cancel the reservation and then rebook as Airbnb's cancellation policy applies for altering dates. I spoke to support and they confirmed that this was not the case. This raised a flag and I looked at reviews. It looks like he has been doing this with other guests too.


What action can be taken against a host who blatantly misrepresents policies to make more money?




**[Listing name hidden in above image due to privacy concerns and another Image removed in line with - Community Center Guidelines]**


7 Replies 7
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Rohan110 It feels like Groundhog Day. I assume you are posting again so that people dot know the reason why you were changing the dates in the first place and your view (expressed in another post) that guests should be able to shop around for a better deal and then cancel with a full refund.

Anyway there is nothing you can do except leave a review for the host expressing your dissatisfaction.

Hello @Mike-And-Jane0 ,


Thank you for once again trying to derail a conversation by adding your comment. As previously suggested, please take a moment to read a post before contributing.


As always, you don't address the actual point but go on about things that have nothing to do with the issue. If there is a host actively scamming people, your suggestion is to stay at the place and leave a review? Are you okay?


I would like you to point out the "real reason" and also maybe go back to my reply about "shopping for a better deal" before contributing again.





Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Once again @Rohan110 


The host has done nothing wrong 


1. you made a third party booking against Airbnb's t&c


2. you held a Christmas booking blocking out the hosts calendars for many months


3. Many months after booking you then decided to try and save money by cancelling the first day of the booking - - yet still wanted your parents to be able to check in the early morning as soon as they arrived 

4. When hosts say they can sometimes offer early check in it's normally by a couple of hours so early afternoon. 


It's ridiculous for you to ask for an early check in of 08.30 am -this would mean the host wouldn't be able to book the night before and would lose money . 

you are right you could have sent an amendment request to change the dates - but as a host I wouldn't have accepted your request - as you still wanted your parents accommodated for an incredibly early check in the next day. 

the host hasn't misrepresented any policies he simply refused your request to change the check in date so you could save the cost of a night while still expecting the host to accommodate an 08.30 am check in.


the only one trying to make money in this situation is you by wanting to cancel the first night to save you money. By doing this and still expecting the host to accommodate an 08.30 check in you are in effect wanting the host to cover the first nights cost. 

Hello @Helen3 


Thank you for skipping the actual question once again.


1. What? Why are you making things up when you don't have the details. I'm staying there as well.


2. Again you are making things up. It is in December but it's not a Christmas booking. There's still weeks to go and that has nothing to do with my current question.


3. The host has clearly mentioned that he will try and accommodate early morning check ins in his listing. Yes, I save money as a consequence. Is that a sin or not allowed?


4. His listing clearly states early morning check ins.


Once again, it doesn't appear that you have read the post. Please have a look at the screenshot. The host is clearly misrepresenting the policy. There is no cancellation policy that is applied when one alters the dates. He is lying about that.

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

it is sad to hear how rude you are continuing to be to hosts who have the patience to continue to try and help you understand this situation.

1. In every post you have made you said the booking was for your parents - nowhere have you said you are travelling with them 


2. you are correct you said December not Xmas


3. can you take a screenshots from the hosts listing where he specifically says he will try and accommodate early morning check in's rather than the 'early check in' he mentions in his message to you that you posted 


4. as explained to you multiple times the host doesn't need to accept your alteration request. 

sadly you can't seem to see how unreasonable you are being by holding dates for many months and then wanting to put the booking back by a day to save yourself money - while still wanting the host to accept your request for your parents to arrive at 08.30.


As you know the host can only do that by blocking out the night before. You are therefore asking the host to pay for the first night of your booking.


there's no point in further discussions as everything has been said. 

Yes, you are right @Helen3. You have obviously not been rude at all. You never are.


1. You jumped to that conclusion. I didn't mention that I wouldn't be accompanying them.


3. Screenshot included.


4. Again, please read the posts. Nowhere have I said he needs to accept my alteration. He lied about having to cancel and rebook if I want to alter the dates which is false. I have confirmed that with support and checked in-app. His lie is my problem not him being unhelpful about accommodating my early check in.


I know hosts may be surprised to learn this, but altering dates and trying to save money are not forbidden. Ofcourse I would ask him if I could check in a day later. The worst I expected was him saying hey man I tried but unfortunately I can't do it or even offer to hold our bags. He flat out refused and lied about having to rebook.


There is nothing unreasonable about suggesting a full refund two months out when you cannot trust the host. There is also nothing unreasonable about suggesting that he refund me only when he rebooks the dates.


He wants to double dip. I had another screenshot that showcased that but was taken down. Hosts making money no matter what is not what Airbnb is for. He also dodges any mention of why he lied about cancellation rates being applied when an alteration is requested.


You continue to talk like he has to build something when all he has to do is call his cleaners before a guest checks in which, judging by several reviews, he seems to be skimping on. He doesn't prepare the apartment in any other way.


There are literally only 5 days that are not booked in December. He is charging 1500 per night for Christmas Eve and Christmas which is why they aren't booked. The other three days are 6, 7, 8. He is making well over 20k for just the month of December. He knows exactly what he is doing and how unreasonable he is being. He just wants some more money.


Check in.PNG

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello everyone, 

I appreciate you all participating and engaging on this thread. As you know, we had to close a similar topic here yesterday as it became a bit personal towards each other. It is understandable that both Hosts and Guests are here to share their experiences and exchange their thoughts and perspectives. But while doing so and when engaging on this thread, please be mindful of the Community Center Guidelines and ensure that the discussion remains constructive and respectful.

In the event that this thread follows the same course of comments as yesterday and becomes negative, we will have to go ahead and close the current conversation. In case we come across any disrespectful or directed comments, we'll remove them to maintain a focused, positive, and respectful discussion.

Thank you for your kind understanding on this matter.




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