Host's resosibility when the property changes after severeal guests have booked

Level 2
St. Louis, MO

Host's resosibility when the property changes after severeal guests have booked

Can any of you with experience in this area advise me?  My property is listed pretty full six months out, but two things have changed.  A dog fence I had posted in the pictures is not available for use though pets are welcome and we have a 2.5 bath and the .5 bath in the basement needs some work with a water problem. I am needing to close it off.  Is it generally good to inform people or refund people?  I notified the 8 people who have informed me they were brining pets and offered them a full refund.  7 said no big deal and 1 canceled for the refund.  However, 2 people that did not tell us they were bringing pets nor did they pay the pet fee threw a fit and posted horrible reviews and made up other stuff because they were just mad.  I have taken any pictures or references off the the listing for both the fence and the .5 bath so future booking guests should not be a problem. But I am sure this issue will arise again because it is a lake house and things are always changing.


Please kindly share your approach and experiences if you have time.


Thanks so much.



2 Replies 2
Level 10
Canterbury, United Kingdom

@Pam1384   I do understand your frustration.  When anything on our cottage has changed or needs to change we do message ALL the upcoming guests advising them and offering them the opportunity to cancel their reservation for a full refund or an appropriate discount for the missing amenity.  We do not charge a pet fee although dogs are welcome.  Most guests do let us know if they are bringing a dog, but there are some that do not.  However, in your situation where you DO charge a pet fee then there really is no excuse for this.  You should have been informed in advance and the pet fee charged and paid for.   Moving forward I would message all those that you have not done so already and let them know just in case they are thinking they can sneak a dog in.

Thank you. I will do it!