How do I show two prices on Airbnb, 1 for large parties 5-8 persons and 1 for smaller parties 1-4 persons.


How do I show two prices on Airbnb, 1 for large parties 5-8 persons and 1 for smaller parties 1-4 persons.

Our property accommodates up to 8 persons, but how can I attract families of 4 or less? Is there a way to show two prices on Airbnb.  I want to attract smaller groups but unsure how I set up two different price ranges.  So looking at a price for 1-4 people then a price for 5-8 people?

1 Best Answer
Top Contributor
Stuttgart, Germany

Hi @Sandra695 The systems just provides the option to put a basic price plus a "fee per additional person after x persons".


On your case - if you think in the two categories 1-4 and 5-8 - you could copy the listing. Resulting in one for 1-4 and the second one for 5-8.


And then link the two calendars to avoid double bookings:

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5 Replies 5
Top Contributor
Stuttgart, Germany

Hi @Sandra695 The systems just provides the option to put a basic price plus a "fee per additional person after x persons".


On your case - if you think in the two categories 1-4 and 5-8 - you could copy the listing. Resulting in one for 1-4 and the second one for 5-8.


And then link the two calendars to avoid double bookings:

Level 10
Takoma Park, MD

@Sandra695 No need for a second listing. Just decide on a base price for 4 people, and charge per guest after that. That seems more fair than just charging more at the 5 person mark. 

Top Contributor
Stuttgart, Germany

I don't want to stick to one solution only. With multiple listings (I don't know of which of your listings we are talking, @Sandra695 ) you have the option e.g. to choose different pictures, different amenities, different facilities, different cancellation policies, different calendar settings, different check-in times, different reviews for small and large groups etc.


But just to have only one listing per accomodation is always the easier way to manage it.

Thanks @Till-and-Jutta0 for these great ideas!  We have a larger listing in process, and you have opened our eyes to many ideas!

Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hey there @Sandra695 👋


You've got some lovely suggestions from Hosts here; what did you decide to do in the end? 

Looking forward to hearing fromy ou,

Rebecca 🌟



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