How does a guest extend their stay when it doesn't meet my minimum rental settings

Level 2
Fort Mitchell, KY

How does a guest extend their stay when it doesn't meet my minimum rental settings

stay extensions

5 Replies 5


Can you clarify?

Looks like you have a minimum 14day stay. If the guest wishes to extend their stay past 14 days, they simply need to send you a reservation alteration request changing their check-out date. You then accept it.


Have them go to their Trips tab

Scroll down to change reservation




Top Contributor
Stellenbosch, South Africa

Hi @Katie1064 

Exactly as @Joan2709 has said - it shouldn't be a problem. Don't have them make a new booking, just use the Change Reservation function to extend the present one (this also ensures that they don't pay extra once-off charges, like cleaning fees).


Just one thing to add - I find that some guests don't know the app very well and battle to send a change request. If you know until what date they'd like to extend, you can send the request from your side and make them the party that just needs to click "approve".

Thank you so much!  We got it handled!



Thanks you.  We talked through it and it's handled.  Appreciated the response!


Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Katie1064


I hope you're well today!


Have you had a chance to review the advice from our lovely Joan and Shelley? It would be great to know if it answered your question, of if you need any more help in regards to this guest request.  


Thanks, and have a lovely day.  🙂




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