Last month, we had a guest who was difficult to deal with, e...
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Last month, we had a guest who was difficult to deal with, even from the moment he booked. He wouldn't send copies of his ID ...
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A guest just saw a field mouse at the house. She snapped a picture, so I know it’s real. I’ve never seen droppings or had reports from other guests.
I’ve had this problem at another house in the past so I had good supplies already. I came right away with some poison that should work pretty fast. They didn’t want me to lay out traps, which I don’t blame them. They didn’t have pets with them – I check that first so poison was ok. In the conversation they mentioned they would be cooking tomorrow at the house. I messaged them asking if could I deliver something to complement the meal or perhaps more champagne – they were drinking champagne as I was there. I know, I know, I should not have asked but just did something.
They responded with no thank you but a small discount would be nice. How much do you think I should offer? This was not a cheap reservation at all.
@Mark116 they sure do, and if you want to enter the business of providing brunch and free transportation back to the outdoors for an endless train of mice I can heartily recommend them. 🙂
@Lisa723 Your solution seems the best, because whether you kill them or release them, until/unless the house is made secure against them they'll keep coming.
@Mark116 yes and if there is an endless buffet with a ride home they will bring their friends and make a party of it. 🙂
@Inna22 As others have mentioned, I just don't understand asking for a discount because of a mouse sighting! It's just one of those things that happens sometimes and doesn't mean the end of the world. They saw a mouse. They were not inconvenienced in any major way. Or even in any minor way, IMO.
For what it's worth I think you did the right thing by offering champagne (a very hospitable gesture for the "eek" factor), and I think they are being unreasonable by asking for a discount.
But since the can of worms has already been opened, I would not ask them what they think is appropriate and instead, go ahead and offer what YOU are comfortable with. You say it's a high-dollar reservation so I wouldn't offer anything more than amounts to half off ONE SINGLE NIGHT.
You have published Your thread in „hosting“. I don't know if You know this, but everyone can read Your thread. Your guest sure can bc he or she has an airbnb guest account. But You don't even need an account to read in this section of the CC, anyone can read it.
If You publish threads in „host circle“ only people with an airbnb host account can read posts in this section. Also, posts in „host circle“ cannot be found through google search.
I think You should show some goodwill and refund them something.
Also, You could give them a scientific book, maybe something along the lines like „The positive impact of mice to nature and environment“; or a book for children: „Winnie, the mouse“. That's just one click on Amanzon.
A little bit of humor never hurts to ease a situation.
@Inna22 The sighting of a mouse is something that happens in life. As far as I'm concerned, it doesn't require offering a refund. A refund for what? Pain and suffering? Major trauma requiring PTSD counselling?
It's one thing if a house were infested with mice or anything else. But one lone mouse that found its way in and was quickly dispatched? Not refund territory as far as I see it.
Yeah, just dropping off a bottle of champagne or a box of chocolates or some fancy cheese and some crackers would probably hav been best. I don't think we should be planting the idea in guests' minds that any little thing is grounds for a refund or discount.
@Sarah977, if my mother see a mouse, it will be moral trauma not only for her but for all who are 5 km around:)
Once my mother and her friend spent half an hour standing on the chairs because they saw the mouse in the friends room. And I saw her jumping on the table when she saw a rat:) Just kind of fobia. But for sure, if the guest is like my mother, he will not stay and ask the full refund but will ask for relocation immediately.
@Inna22 I am thinking a really nice cheese platter. <very evil grin>
With a mouse trap cutting board.