How to get bookings

Level 2
Kampala, Uganda

How to get bookings

Hello Airbnb team , I’m a new host and I would love to get advise on to get bookings have done everything recommended by the support team and I still haven’t got any bookings in the last 3months have been on the app 




[Content updated by Community Manager]

9 Replies 9

Hi there @Katushabe1 ,
I completely understand how frustrating it can be when you’re eager to get your first booking but the calendar stays empty. When I first started hosting, I faced the same challenge, but a few key strategies really helped me turn things around:
First impressions matter, and photos are your first chance to grab a potential guest’s attention. I made sure to invest time in taking bright, high-quality photos that showcased my space in the best light. If you can, consider hiring a professional photographer, or even just a friend with a good eye for design.
When I was new, I adjusted my pricing to be competitive with similar listings in my area. I even experimented with slightly lower rates to attract those first few bookings and build up some reviews. Once I started getting positive feedback, I was able to gradually increase my rates.
Also, to kickstart bookings, I ran a promotion offering a discount for the first few guests. This really helped get the ball rolling and brought in my first reviews, which made my listing more attractive to future guests.
I made it a point to respond to inquiries quickly and with a friendly, welcoming tone. Even if someone didn’t book immediately, they remembered the positive interaction and came back later. I also kept my calendar updated to avoid any potential double bookings or confusion.
It’s important to make sure your listing description is detailed and highlights what makes your place special. Think about what you would want to know as a guest, and be clear about amenities, the neighborhood, and nearby attractions.
After each stay, I gently encouraged guests to leave a review. Early reviews are critical because they build trust with future guests. I also paid close attention to any feedback and made small improvements where needed.
I also promoted my listing on social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook. Sharing pictures and details about my place with friends and family helped spread the word.I hope these tips help you start seeing some bookings soon! It can take a little time to gain momentum, but with persistence and a few tweaks, you’ll get there. Good luck!



Top Contributor
Buckeye, AZ


My suggestions if your only allowing four guests which is good describing so many beds in the living room you don't intend to use and saying six beds is a detriment not a plus to the ad.

I would also your amenities says "no essentials"

If you are welcoming children installing a smoke detector is a very good idea and may be required by your local laws.

It says no air because of the location I would highlight fans offered.

I would review your pricing, I did 4 Guests for a week in September and with my 3% Airbnb Fee I was in the $13.00 per person per night.  If something looks too good, we all know probably isn't true.


Level 2
Hayfork, CA

Hi @Katushabe1! I am also new to Airbnb and I can remember those first few days after we worked for months getting our Barntop apartment finished and ready. I must have looked at my Airbnb app 50 times a day. 


Your place is adorable and welcoming,  also very clean so you are 90% there. My only suggestions would be 2 things.


1.) Pictures - try taking that camera outside and show your guests what they would miss out on if they didn't pick your listing. Resort access? Show everyone the resort! Their website would have great ideas for pictures you can take yourself. Is there a great view from one of your windows? Show off what is not only inside, but what beautiful sites and fun things your guests can do on the outside. You have a few repetitive pictures, different views of the same thing. There are some very cool resources within the Airbnb website to guide you with pictures. I referred to these a lot at first. Make a binder of local restaurants,  parks, lakes, current events. I live in the mountains that is famous for it's hiking trails so I provide maps to find them. 


2.) Smoke detectors. In my opinion this is so important,  as you want your guests to feel safe and secure. Personally I won't stay anywhere without smoke detectors. 


I'm sure you will be very successful, your place is very nice. Thank you for reaching out. 


Good luck!



Level 1
St. Augustine, FL

Hi @Katushabe1 

I agree with the first response you received from @Tokunbo0 

Professional pictures say a lot. There are no pictures of the outside of the house. Photos of the 'lake access' and 'resort facilities' should be included, since it sounds like a nice option while staying at your property. 


Highlight the neighborhood, things to do, interesting places, and restaurants that are walkable from the property. Write about something you think is 'special' about the house or neighborhood. 


Please get a Smoke Alarm and mark it in Airbnb. This is important to families traveling. 


Hope that helps, best of luck to you!


St Augustine Retreats

Level 2
Tacoma, WA

My opinion is #1 - photos. Your photos repeat themselves. Showcase your best photos first so it grabs attention. 
#2- essentials. Offering soap and shampoo and conditioner could help your guests be more comfortable. I literally use ones that I got at hotels. 
#3- describe neighborhood. I see it says lake access but I don’t see anything about the lake in the description. 
#4- offer a special. And use AI like chat gpt to write a description for you that is worded in a more descriptive way maybe. Good luck!

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Thank you so much @Stacey481 @Stefanie496 @St-Augustine-Retreats0 @Marie8425 for chiming in to support @Katushabe1 for her new listing 😍  I'm sure these brilliant ideas are going to help @Katushabe1 through her listing set up!


@Katushabe1 Do you have any follow up questions that you'd be interested in asking the Host members?


Since @Stefanie496 has also shared about using AI for listing descriptions, I wanted to share 2 wonderful guides shared by experienced Host @Dr-Jayanthi1 in the link below, that could be helpful for reference : 


👉 Unlocking the Power of AI:- Series-1. Elevate Your Airbnb Hosting Game!  


👉 Unlocking the Power of AI:- Series 2. Descriptions, Titles and more.... 


@Katushabe1 , keep us posted of your progress 😉



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@Bhumika @Thank you for sharing my insights with other hosts. Inspires me to continue the series with more useful tips 👍

Hello @Katushabe1  


Have you ever tried advertising your property on social media to the guests you think would visit the location? 


Level 2
Mt Dora, FL

Welcome and the first few months are nerve racking.  You’re offering the first three people a discount so that is a great start.  You also got a 5 star review, so congratulations!🎊 

1). I agree that you need to put your opening intro into AI so it reads better.  There are free apps to make that happen.  I find when people book my place (I live next door) some want contact and attention and some want privacy.  Like my husband tells me don’t be like a Labrador puppy.  First get a read on your guests.  Maybe word- always available for local suggestions and cultural information.

2). Your pictures need to be grouped by room.  Are both bedrooms identical?  If so change the accent colors in one, it’s confusing.  The kitchen needs everything unplugged for pictures (dangling cords distract attention).  Drapes should be open, it appears you’re hiding the outside.  You definitely should have outside pictures.  You must highlight the lake and resort amenities (Yes, please!).  Several of your pictures appear to be repeats or should be eliminated #2,8, and 14 to start.  There’s no picture of the bathroom.  When taking a picture of the room…Make sure everything is put away-No clutter, fluff pillows and bedding.

3). Give a strong intro and welcome to your listing.  Tell people why you like living in this area and everything it has to offer.  Act like you’re creating one of your movies…Sell your place!


I wish you the best of luck!  I think you will do great, you seam like a fun and happy person!  I’m always available if you need to bounce an idea!