How to search without selecting type of structure?

Level 1
Toledo, OH

How to search without selecting type of structure?

Despite the overwhelming amount of poor reviews I am hoping that I am missing something here. I do not care if the building is a lakwhouse, cabin, dammusi, riad, top of the world, or whatever other pointless structure design. I just need to see what is available in a given area. How do I search for what is available while looking at the map without having to click through each of the several dozen domicile categories? 


And really?? I have to select a non applicable category for this post? What is happening Airbnb??

4 Replies 4
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Luke585 you can ignore all the Airbnb lunacy. Just put a destination in, number of people and dates and you can search as everyone did before. Use filters on the answers to determine number of bedrooms etc that you need and also to remove very expensive properties

I see now. I am not set on a destination so I hadn't input one. All of those uptime disappear once a location is entered. 


Thank you Mike and Jane! 

Level 10
Greenville, SC

Wow. What a perfect example of the success Airbnb has achieved in waylaying our guests.


Airbnb, please return to making location and date (i.e. Where do you want to go?) the ONLY criterion on the main Airbnb page, and move the different types of buildings and such to the search filters where they belong. 


Level 10
Placencia, Belize

Location > Availability > Capacity > Price > Amenities (pool, restaurant, A/C, etc.)


The two reasons Airbnb may have taken the direction they did in May 2022 is twofold:

1. Make people aware of the phenomenal spectrum of places listed with them.

2. Offset what they may have suspected was coming in 2022 such as lower overall demand because the exhaustion of pend-up demand and all that crazy stimulus money of 2021-early 2022 juicing a false economy, many Airbnb slowly becoming more expensive than hotels (who are themselves lowering their prices), inherent anti-STR sentiments in many localities and accompanying negative public opinion, the built-in awkwardness of the original 'sharing' model who may slowly be proving to be too high maintenance in comparison to other models.


'Interesting' times. I doubt Airbnb is going back to the old system, but may in part, let us  hope.