
Level 10
Frederick, MD!

This was from my Instagram account, a direct message.


"I LOVE LOVE LOVE your pics of your space. I wanted to book a stay for a few days in May. How open are  you to having guests do some decorating? When I stay places I find I am most comfortable if I can bring some of my favorite decor items. Thank you!"


I say: "Thanks for checking out our cottage and the kind words. What sorts of decor items are you interested in bringing? We do ask guests not to move furnishings or pictures, etc. so not sure if that is what you mean? Let me know and have a great day."


The answer: "I like to bring my own blankets, wall art and I sometimes travel with a reclining chair. I take everything with me when I leave."


(A "reclining chair?")



21 Replies 21

@Susan990 wow, thanks so much! I would have never even considered that, but I think you might be right. Best to avoid this one altogether. 

Level 10
New York, NY

.@Laura2592 In our area, this is actually a "thing." Usually, it occurs for stays of 4 weeks or longer (which we don't do.) I've gotten at least one inquiry where someone made it clear they would be arriving with a Uhaul of furnishings. We made it clear it wasn't a fit for us. 

Level 9
Bluefield, WV

I sort of get the blankets ... and maybe even the reclining chair. But wall art? Did she want to put NAILS in your walls?

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE - but bringing “decorating items”?  To your perfectly, tastefully decorated space?
(cue sirens AND fire alarms)

Level 10
Christchurch, New Zealand

@Hal3292 next she will bring replacement curtains and rugs lol

Level 10
Auchenblae, United Kingdom

What would we all do for entertainment if all your guests and enquiries suddenly came from ‘normal’ folks? 🤪

Level 10
Thousand Oaks, CA

To quote King Arthur when he encountered the Killer Rabbit... "Run Away!"