Is there an easy way to see reviews left by guests for other hosts?

Level 10
Brighton, United Kingdom

Is there an easy way to see reviews left by guests for other hosts?

When I check guests’ past reviews I am never able to click through to the host they stayed with. Is this something to do with using an iPad / iPhone app or this the case on laptop?  Searching specific hosts in big cities is often time consuming.


In the case of one previous guest, with a bit of digging I’ve managed to find out that I would have saved myself a lot of trouble if I’d read what she’d written about past Airbnb hosts and their properties. Is there a way to get this information quickly?


Personally I’ve started signing off my reviews with my first name, the name of my property and my town. Put those into google and the first hit is my listing, which it makes it fast and easy for future hosts to  find their prospective guests’ previous reviews of me and any comments I make in reply.  



10 Replies 10
Level 10
England, United Kingdom

@Jane563 You need to use Google Chrome and then download the Aireview app. This will allow you to see both the reviews of guests and the reviews they left for hosts.

I can't remember how I did it but I managed and have zero capability for IT so you should cope!

Level 10
Brighton, United Kingdom

Thanks I’m going on my elderly laptop to give this a go.

Level 10
Brighton, United Kingdom

Yep I’ve got it and it works. Thanks so much.

@Jane563  The Airreview app does work, but please be sure to take a closer look at the App Permissions required to use the plug-in. There's a reason this product is free: it can harvest and edit your personal browser data, and cause strange malfunctions in basic features. It's a nifty idea, but the plug-in itself is malware.

Level 10
Whitehaven, United Kingdom

@Anonymous  Didn't know it was malware... Thanks! I won't download  now- always meant to -  & will go the laborious route of clicking the pics on reviews left FOR my potential guests to view what the guests said about past hosts, even if it means a LOT of scrolling down for trips made a long time ago!

Level 10
London, United Kingdom



Thanks for that info. I didn't know that.


I have found this plug in really useful, but it seems to have become super glitchy more recently, either only loading some of the reviews but a lot of the time just hanging and not loading them. I guess it's better than nothing, but it would be great to know if there are any more reliable alternatives out there.

@Huma0 @Jane563  Yes, I just recently had the same experience- the Air Review wasn't showing that a host had reviewed guests. In fact, it said "XX did not leave a review". This was a host who posted here about something else, and I asked him why he didn't review any of his guests. He then said he had left reviews. So I went back and clicked on his past guests' profiles and sure enough, he had reviewed all of them.

So it's worth double-checking, rather than trusting the Air Review extension.

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Thanks @Sarah977 . That's useful to know. It's a shame though as that extension seemed to save so much time!

@Huma0  I couldn't even find a place to report a glitch for Air Review. The email address they list to report or contact them doesn't work.

Level 2
North Dakota, United States

There are a couple of apps masquerading as trusted apps for a host to be able to access guest reviews, but this is the one that all hosts should absolutely download:


I know I’m a couple years late replying to this post. It took me a long time to find it. I cannot tell you how much we all need to band together as hosts with a tool like this! Guest reviews are not as important as what the guest actually said about the host. Save yourself many sleepless nights and a lot anxiety! It’s unfortunate that more hosts are not painfully honest about what they experience, but this way one can see the tone of the guest overall.