Issue with Guest Reservations Showing as Canceled

Level 1
Patna, India

Issue with Guest Reservations Showing as Canceled

I am reaching out regarding an issue I experienced today with my property. Twice today, guests attempted to book my property, but the reservations are showing as canceled by the guests. However, the payment has still been deducted by Airbnb for the guests.

The guests involved are Samarth and Naresh.

Could you please investigate this matter and provide clarification on why this is happening? Additionally, I would like to ensure that the guests are not inconvenienced and that my property remains available for future bookings

3 Replies 3
Top Contributor
Stellenbosch, South Africa

Hi @Sweta14 

In the drop-down menu above, change from Community Center to Help Center. Go to the relevant booking(s) and open a help ticket so that Airbnb customer support can look at the issue for you.

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Sweta14


I'm sorry to hear you're running into some issues with a couple of bookings!


Did you get a chance to reach out to customer support, as Shelley suggested? They will be best placed to look into this for you. In case you haven't yet, you can simply use this link as well:


Let us know how you get on, please 🙂






Merci de jeter un oeil aux Principes du Community Center/ Please follow the Community Guidelines

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Sometimes Airbnb will cancel guest booking if there is a problem with the guest profile or the payment hasn't gone through @Sweta14 


the guest would need to call Airbnb to see what has happened .


we are a community of hosts and guests by the way - not Airbnb