Lack of reservations / Manjak rezervacija

Level 1
Split, Croatia

Lack of reservations / Manjak rezervacija

Pozdrav! Domaćini smo već 9 godina i do lani, dakle 8 godina smo bili Superhost. Onda prošle godine jedan gost je sve ocjene smanjio, smetalo mu je skoro sve i smanjile se ocjene i izgubili status Superhost tako da ove godine, nažalost, rezervacija malo i ništa. Možemo se mi trudit i trudimo se ugoditi ljudima, ali u  sezoni dovoljan je jedan gost da poništi sav onaj naš trud.

Lijep pozdrav! Majda  


[Translation added by Community Manager]
Greeting! We have been hosts for 9 years and until last year, so we were Superhosts for 8 years. Then last year one guest reduced all the ratings, he was bothered by almost everything and the ratings decreased and he lost the Superhost status, so this year, unfortunately, there are few reservations and nothing. We can try and we try to please people, but in the season one guest is enough to undo all our efforts.

Greetings! Maybe

1 Reply 1
Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Ivica60 , I'm so sorry to hear of your experience and I hope your continuous efforts towards guests can recoup the Superhost status. Have you received any potential inquiries since you posted?

Many of the experienced Hosts in the Community Center also attribute the lack of reservations with lack of market demand in a certain area. How has it been overall in terms of demand near your areas? Do you often compare similar listings nearby to understand other competitive listings near you?



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