Listing warnings / needs attention

Level 2
Orlando, FL

Listing warnings / needs attention

Does anyone know how long the listing warnings / needs attention stays on your account? No one in the company can answer this question. 

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Seattle, WA

I believe it’s 3 months - although I can’t be entirely sure. The main thing is to not get three or more 3* or less reviews in that period once you have a warning - you will be shut down for a month, then your listing removed.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hi @Downtown6 👋


It's been a while since you posted and I'm wondering whether you managed to get a resolution to your question? @Pete28 has left a comment below for you too. 


It'd be great to hear from you, so we can understand what the resolution was but also to support other Hosts who may have similar questions in the future. 😊




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