Looking for a co-host in Lisbon, Portugal

Level 1
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Looking for a co-host in Lisbon, Portugal

Hi! I have a place that I would like to rent out however I have no time at all to manage it and on top of it, I live 90 minutes away from Lisbon. If you are a co~host willing to manage all aspects of a 2-bedroom apartment in the centre of Lisbon, please le me know!





2 Replies 2
Level 2
Lisbon, Portugal

Hello Anna,

Hope these few lines find you wonderful!


This is Valeria and I am a property manager living in the city center In Lisbon. 

I would be pleased to help you in finding the right tenant and supporting you with all the necessary tasks. 

I leave you my email: **


Reach me out to organize a meeting to listen to your needs! 

Look forward to hearing you back.




*[Email removed for privacy reasons in line with the Community Center Guidelines]

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Anna16843 😊

Thank you for asking this question in the community!


Have you found a co-host for your property?
What are your thoughts on Valeria's proposal?


Warm regards 🌻



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