Malicious and false safety report by guest

Level 2
Los Angeles, CA

Malicious and false safety report by guest

Hi I have been a super host with Airbnb for over a decade with stellar reviews and no incident. Unfortunately, I hosted a tenant that was unaccountably malicious and rude and filed a false safety report after she vacated. This has disrupted my ability to host (her intended sabotage) it has been over a week and Airbnb has shut down my listing and say they are investigating, but have not contacted me with questions.  Is there anything I can do to reverse this damage done? 

17 Replies 17


I appreciate your response No, none of your mentioned safety concerns applicable to me. It’s a condo in a condominium. I dont have any security cameras at all. Guest messaged me to cancel prior check in, reason- it was out of his budget. Agreed to meet for check in, to accomodate I offered to lower my payout but he kept lowering his initial offer to impossibly low. To resolve I offered to keep only 1 mo & refund remaining 1.5mo. He wanted 100% refund. I take monthly there. He refused to even check in, left & threatened to delist me. Next thing - all my listings were suspended. And unsuspended on day 24. But I still don’t know why they were suspended 



I’m so sorry about that. Especially the fact that you were not told why they delisted and investigated you. I would hope the guest is not allowed on the platform for causing this issue. It was retaliatory and unfair. And you lost 23 days of potential revenue. Usually the security team lets you know what the reported issue was at the end of the investigation. I don’t know why they wouldn’t allow hosts to respond to the accusations or provide their side of the story.


@Rebecca what exactly is the security team protocol if a guest reports a safety concern? How is it handled if the concern was in fact a retaliation against the host for the guest not getting their way?

Thank you, Tatyana. While I am sorry this also happened to you, it gives me hope that I might get my listing back