My recent gust left her bags and she said she would pick the...
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My recent gust left her bags and she said she would pick them up last night but didn’t show up. I tried reaching out to her b...
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Hi Airbnb,
I would strongly recommend you to make a campaign towards guests and hosts about best practise messaging. I have just experienced requests from guests who make me uncomfortable hosting them because of bad practise messaging.
One was from a Dane who just asked if he could "get the keys late night". Not a word about the keys to my home, just the keys.
The other request was from a Brite who did not even bother to say hi, but she just wrote "I am in Denmark and wish to stay...".
However, Airbnb is a community of people and places of private homes; it is NOT some anonymous self-service kiosk of packages!
Thank you very much for considering my suggestion.
Best regards, Jacob
Good evening—
You are not talking to anyone at Airbnb.
This is a place for hosts to talk to each other.
While most of us agree with you, as I do, there’s nothing we can do about it.
I recently had a similar experience with a young man who apparently has no concept of common courtesy.
I guess all we can do is decline guests who cannot be bothered to communicate in a satisfactory manner before booking.
@Brian2036 The Community Centreis for guests as well as hosts. It is just there are usually more active hosts than there are guests.
@Jacob231 A lot of guests just don't "get it". But in my experience, that doesn't mean they'll be bad guests. I've found that younger people especially, who have grown up in the texting age, seem to think sending a booking message to a host is like sending a 5 word text to their friends.
Also basic manners seems to have gone the way of the dodo.
When I have gotten messages that say nothing but "Arriving around noon", when I haven't even accepted their booking yet, I respond along the lines of, "Hi XX, thank you for your booking request. Have you read through my listing description and house rules, and are you aware that it's a 20 minute walk into town and the beach, and that I have a dog and a cat (in case you're allergic)?" And I might say some other friendly, chatty things.
I use those 2 specific questions, because those are the most likely deal breakers for guests in my case and they would have had to read through the listing info to know those things. Other hosts' would be different.
I have found that responding like that has ellicited a much more informative and polite response, like it forced them to realize their message wasn't exactly what hosts appreciate or are looking for. And they've all turned out to be good guests.
Of course I much prefer the messages that are friendly and informative in the first place. Andd yes, Airbnb should give guests some guidance, but they don't, and show no interest in doing so. It's the opposite- they don't want to put the slightest onus on guests to do anything that would slow down a guest booking in 1 minute.
Thank you Sarah and Brian for your thoughts and support!
I know this is a conversation platform for hosts, but once (regarding not showing profile pictures before after booking) someone from Airbnb did respond. I have, of course, also filled out a feedback form. And will probably write it to support as well by opening a new case.
I will continue declining guests whom I feel uncomfortable with already on the request stage. And since one has to write a few words to the guest why the decline, I started writing that I am not used to this kind of communication, period, next guest. And I write the same in the Airbnb reply field.
So with time maybe these small efforts by ourselves may give a result.
Btw, I am also very focused on profile pictures that actually show a clear face as many users don't have that, and Airbnb does not require this (strangely enough, as they speak highly of security and transparency!).
I obviously don't have Instant booking enabled, but ask every guest to answer a few questions when making a request. I don't know how much 'business' I lose by this, but for me, as indicated, Airbnb is not a business first of all, but a shared economy initiative to pay some of one's rent and to help other people travel. That hotels and other pure business accommodations can now be on Airbnb, is outrageous as it does not fulfil this goal.
Have a lovely Sunday, I just got an extremely friendly request that I need to respond to – it was worth waiting for 🙂
You have another excellent point about the pictures. Sometimes the picture is not even the same person.
It seems to me that it would be appropriate for Airbnb to send the host a copy of the picture on the ID they used, if not the entire ID.
And you’re right—occasionally one of the Ambassadors will pick up a post here that seems to be urgent and will forward it to someone who is supposed to do something with it.
@Jacob231 We actually had a guy text us: “we are driving through the area, not far from your house. Can we get the access code for tonight?”
I agree, Airbnb could help future guests with best practice approach to booking our properties. Manners matter.
kind regards
Hello @Jacob231 @Don-And-Emily0
Unfortunately many guests do not know what pleasantries and courtesy is!
I agree that manners matter.
I also get some messages like the ones you got.
I do not know if if Airbnb would be able to educate such guests.
Regards! 🙂
Therefore we hosts have to help educating. Every even small effort matters.
I have had a text message on my I phone asking me to verify my identity on air B&B. Started to fill in form which popped up when I clicked on the link but became suspicious as it said initially that had to do this in order to get paid, All payments are up to date and so i think this is a scam . I tried asking help centre but the articles did not cover my question(so frustrating) , When i did as i though get to end a message it said there was a systems error and i should contact my internet provider . Terrible support system Air B&b. Allow people to ask their question without trying to constantly control the narrative . that sucks
Was the SMS message a scam .?? Urgent reply required ??