
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

New Retaliatory review policy

Level 3
Melbourne, Australia

New Retaliatory review policy

 How do I get help trying to explain to customer service or airbmb  ambassador as  that there is a new retaliatory  review policy.  

I'm in Australia and I'm  being ignored and refused help . 

I have 100 % proof  that it was in retaliation to me confronting the guest for not following house rules . 


If you notify a guest that they have violated your house rules and it leads to the guest leaving a retaliatory  review then you dispute it with our updated reviews policy . 


The ambassador hasn't even checked my proof of this  , she just says guest has not  violated review policy . Then sends me link  to the  review policy and the information that the CEO announced and Catherine Powell   announced  is not even in there  . 


They are now just ignoring me , they refuse to reply and when I call they say we will call you back and they refuse to call me back   


I'm confused how there can be a new policy  but they refuse to follow this policy . 

I'm baffled.  


Any help in who I can talk to would be greatly appreciated.  Or a number I can call who will  actually ring me back and look at the communication thread . 


22 days I have been ignored by customer service  and refused a proper investigation . 

I have been a super host for 7 years with many 5 star reviews   and now due to this one guest  who is angry  at me for confronting her ,   I'm below   stat's  . 


I regret even telling her , sadly airbnb are  forcing us not to  enforce  ground rules or it will back fire   even though guest are suppose to respect your home and follow your house rules . 

The ambassador even admitted the guest changed her review  after I confronted her  but still won't remove review as  its not a violation to change a review .


How  does airbnb have a  new review policy  set in  nov 2022  that's not a policy in April 2023   ?? 

I even sent links to it and about it to customer service ambassador,  they have ignored . 


Please if  someone could  help me  with this i would be so greatful . 


My email is 


**[E-mail address removed due to safety reasons - Community Center Guidelines]



Top Answer
Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Aslea0 ,


It seems like you were actively in touch with Support regarding the matter, and I am sorry to hear that this was not the resolution you expected. I wanted to share a few articles related to the retaliatory review policy: here and here.


I am also sharing your concerns with the Support teams if they can review and get back to you with more information. 





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Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Aslea0 ,


It seems like you were actively in touch with Support regarding the matter, and I am sorry to hear that this was not the resolution you expected. I wanted to share a few articles related to the retaliatory review policy: here and here.


I am also sharing your concerns with the Support teams if they can review and get back to you with more information. 





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Level 3
Melbourne, Australia

Thankyou . The ambassador  told me same . The first " here "  link you sent me is all they say is policy . And related to that  guest has not violated  review policy 

The second "here"  link you sent me  they don't  send me .  Nor will they investigate that policy . 

I sent it to the ambassador  and they have just ignored and won't reply . 

If they were to fully investigate  my communication to guest  informing her of house rules not followed  then they would see it would be absolutely  impossible to write that review until AFTER I contacted her about what happened.  And I have an email from airbnb that the guest reviewed my property 4 hours prior to me notifying her that she disrespect  house rule re pet and other things . She then changed her review as her review relates to things I said to her   , its just impossible that she could say thoes things prior to me contacting her , unless  she is a witch and could foresee  that I was going to  question her . 

How could she possibly know to say in a  review that there was exaggerated complaints made  about how property was left . How did she know I was going to proceed to make further complaints of damage  in a review . The keys words Of proof   to it being retaliatory  are  " how the property  was LEFT "  and  that I made  " further accusatory  unfounded claims " 

Both these sentences from her are  showing her review was AFTER I  complained  so  was in retaliation to me  complaining . So its not a true review of her stay .  It's only truth is  that yes I sure did complain    after she had left .  But surly I have rights to  let a guest know that rules were not followed .   

I really would greatly  appreciate  it being investigated correctly   with reference to the second link you sent me   .  As the ambassador  here in Australia ignored that , didn't even refer to that link 

Thankyou for your  time , as it's really  upsetting that when a guest  breaks rules it back fires  onto the host and we are made to  feel fearfull in contacting guest who do the wrong thing 



Level 3
Melbourne, Australia

I  also presumed the resolution  would also relate to the  second link you sent me .  But they did not send me  the second  link .  They did not refer the resolution to this  information below ...


Violating your house rules .Nov 2022

If you notify a guest that they ve violated your house rules and it leads to the  guest  leaving a retaliatory  review , you can dispute that review with our updated  review  process . Ground rules requires guests to respect your home   follow your  house rules . 


If you could possibly send them the   link  that explains this   because it seems they don't believe this  is a  policy . 

And as I had previously mentioned  the guest could not of possible said  in a review that  there was exaggerated complaints  made about how the  property was  left  unless she wrote the review After I  made the complaints .

How could the guest say I proceeded to make further  accusations   untill after I made these accusations . 

How could the guest say we chose not to engage any further to excessive and intrusive level of communication  untill after I did . 

Her whole review relates to after  I complained .  

And going by the link you sent me that seems  very much like it's a retaliatory  review . 

Thankyou once again 



Level 3
Melbourne, Australia

Not resolved as yet . They cannot phone Australia for some reason   . My number is the correct registered number   I get text messages but no calls   . I have spoken to vodaphone and they do not block international calls into Australia  . So something is wrong on airbnb end . I suggested they ring from the Sydney  number that we ring . 


Level 3
Melbourne, Australia

I'm in Australia and the new retaliatory  review policy is totally being ignored , its May 2023 . and even though airbnb  refunded me damages  they are still not  believing the guest  violated house rules and deliberately  wrote a retaliatory  review 

something is going awfully wrong in the system  @Catherine-Powell 


if a guest writes you a review on you complaining they broke house rules  thats retaliation 

if airbnb refund you damages  thats proof damage done .

just because a guest refunds you dosnt mean they are exempt 


something is VERY wrong with this system it totally being ignored in Australia 


Level 3
Melbourne, Australia

I was refunded $70 on the 6th Feb 2023 via airbnb from a guest for damages  due to violating house rules  .


I reported house rules that were  broken,  to the guest via message thread on the 30th Jan 2023 from 6.30 pm ,  5 hours after they checked out 


I reported the violation of house rules to the guest exactly as explained by airbnb on what to do 

Which states ... quote from airbnb...


"Communication with the guest is often the quickest path to resolution . 

When a host is dealing with a actual violation we ASK that they provide evidence to guest with message thread "


This is exactly what I did . 


I followed exactly as airbnb explains. 

If the guest refuses then contact the resolution centre to step in . 

Airbnb Sent me $70 as i requested on the 6th Feb.  


Please explain to me how did I not follow correctly by ASKING for payment to cover house rules ignored and disrespected .

My complaint to guest caused them to write a retaliatory  review  ALL ABOUT MY COMPLAINT . 


I was sent $70 from airbnb 

I would like an explanation on this please . 

So your now saying a guest is fully allowed to violate house rules as long as they pay for this. .

IF THEY PAY  damages then they can write a retaliatory  review and are ALLOWED to do so 



And because they pay damages they are exempt from following policy . 

And because they pay damages and except to pay this  damage request then they have every right to leave a retaliatory review about the host complaining . 


This is not making any sense . 

I did absolutly everything as requested by the airbnb policy .

I contacted guest 

I informed guest that the house rules broken 

I requested compensation 

I was paid compensation 

The guest then reviewed me on my complaints ONLY  . her review  was on how I reported to her how upset I was that she didn't respect house rules .  The review was not on the stay . It was all about me complaining . 


Why do you have policy's on respecting  property's  if they are not followed   


I feel I deserve an explanation on why I am being treated like this when all I did was report to the guest her disrespectful behaviour . 

Why does Airbnb ask US to communicate first to guest for resolution . 

 Then I'm accused from airbnb  of not reporting even though I was paid $70 damages  from airbnb . 


I need some help and  answers . @Catherine-Powell 

as this is your new policy 


Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Aslea0 ,


I saw your post about it, so took the liberty of moving it to your first post where we have been talking about your case and keeping the discussion under one umbrella.


Although it seems that Customer Support has already reached out to you regarding this, I have again nudged them if they can help you with further clarification.

Someone should reach out to you soon to provide clarification on this matter.





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Level 3
Melbourne, Australia

They have not bothered at all to investigate or review  . Because if I didn't report it to guest  like we are clearly told to do via email thread  then why would I be refunded . 


I recieved a $70 refund for cleaning up the rubbish , broken lamp and dog hair in  all the beds . 

I was actually being considerate  by only charging $70   if I had know I would be treated with so much  disrespect  and  airbnb  allow guests   to retaliate  if they pay you  then I would of charged $7000 .




Level 3
Melbourne, Australia

Exact same thing happened to host in New Zealand in April 2023 

He also was refunded damages and they still refused to remove review .

So that is two of us and airbnb are not investigating . 


I followed exactly what airbnb tell us to do  Communicate to guest  before going to resolution . 


So this is  incorrect ?hosts  should go straight to resolution  . 

I wish this was explained in airbnb policy . 

Even in the new retaliatory review   policy it dosnt say you must not communicate direct . It dosnt say must only report to resolution .





Just keep on emailing , calling or messaging customer support 

Level 3
Melbourne, Australia

i have read all the articles ,  i am following guidelines and answering questions .

each support member has given a completely different reason why  it wont be removed ,  so thats interesting .

the last response was it wont be removed  because  i didnt report it . BUT  How did i get  $70 refund towards clean and damages if i didnt report it ????? the $70 came through from your  airbnb account . 


Airbnb states

“Reviews must be unbiased, contain relevant information reflecting the actual experience of the reviewer during the stay or Experience .For example, guests should not write biased or inauthentic reviews as a form of retaliation against a Host who enforces a policy or rule”

 YES my guest did because i notified her she broke house rules 


Airbnb states  

“If you notify a guest that they’ve violated your House Rules and it leads to the guest leaving a retaliatory review, you can dispute that review” 

 YES  they violated house rules ,   their review is only about  how i  bought to their attention /complained they broke rules , the review is not about their stay its about AFTER their stay and not being happy because i informed them they  broke   house rules 


 Airbnb states 

 “ we want to take steps to hold guests accountable—which we know is vital to you. If a guest violates your additional rules, we’ll support you in taking the appropriate next steps”


how are you making guest accountable if you ALLOW  them to complain because   house rules have been bought to their attention  after check out. reported to them   on the message  platform  that  they broke them and disrespected,  so therefore they are allowed to write a review saying  i was accused of breaking house rules . 


so thankyou  yes i have read all the  here and here  you  informed me off and the policy is not being  addressed , its being ignored , not only in my case but from what i read  so many others . If so many are having an issue with the policy being ignored then that is a true indication  something is not right  and an internal investigation should be done by  the CEO  to find out why  his new  updated policy  is being ignored by Airbnb  customer service and Ambassadors . 

Community managers are also reading many messages  from hosts  who are saying  revenge reviews are not being removed , its not just the odd person , its many .


The global head of customer service need to look  into it or change the wording on the policy  to say  NO  we will not remove any reviews  even if guest are angry  about your rules after departure 


Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Aslea0 , I am so sorry to hear that you are still facing issues with this review. I will share your further feedback with the Support teams as well.

Meanwhile, please feel free to share your feedback for Airbnb via the Feedback Form.



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Level 3
Melbourne, Australia

Hi Bhumika

As community manager you sent me links to retaliatory review policy , so why are ambassadors not following these policys ??


 In  your links it clearly says  “Reviews must be unbiased, contain relevant information reflecting the actual experience of the reviewer during the stay or Experience .For example, guests should not write biased or inauthentic reviews as a form of retaliation against a Host who enforces a policy or rule” “If you notify a guest that they’ve violated your House Rules and it leads to the guest leaving a retaliatory review, you can dispute that review” 


The review I want removed is an exact and clear  example of what the policy says is not allowed , the review is not on the stay or experience , the review is all  about how angry they are about  a host who enforced a policy or rule , a host who  notified them they violated house rules,  infact a major house rule  of  no dogs allowed to sleep in beds on human linen .


 THE review says …Would not stay here again. There was exaggerated complaints made about how the property was left. Despite cleaning for 3 hrs we apologized to the host and in order to maintain goodwill we offered to pay an extra cleaning fee which she accepted. She then proceeded to make further accusatory unfounded claims of damage. We chose not to engage any further due to the excessive and intrusive level of communication we were receiving from the host. We are so disappointed by this experience.


 If they cleaned for 3 hours  why was there clothes left all over the floor !!! , I even sent them pictures  of the clothes they left  via the platform  and yes I communicated  the house  rules broken, I communicated the damage ,I communicated  the filthy  condition it was left .

 AIRBNB says per your own link  “If a guest violates a House Rule, your first step should be to communicate with the guest and try to resolve the issue directly”    which  i did. 


The last ambassador you nudged said I did not report to AIRBNB and because of this the guest  did not violate policy . How did Airbnb send me $70 to my account for damages and deep clean if I did not report ? Airbnb knows I resolved the issue directly by  “first steps of communicating with the guest to resolve “, I followed exactly what AIRBNB tell us to do.


 So now what your saying as  a trusted community manager is that its my fault because I followed what AIRBNB  tell  US to do , and   because the guest did not  like or agree  with me  notifying  her that  she ignored  policy and house rules after she departed  , then she is allowed to retaliate  about these rules because I communicated directly with her .


 I would just  appreciate an honest explanation please on this,  and why the links that  you personally sent me yourself,  are not being followed . Its so very upsetting that you send me links to  specifically  show me AIRBNB  policys that are not followed by  airbnb 

