No actual profile picture

Top Contributor
Buckeye, AZ

No actual profile picture

Never had  this  before   profile picture which  I  can't see a   guests pictórico  until  I  accept iis  a  map  picture  of somewhere..    Guest has good reviews, I   always  highlight   my   arrea and  who  I  am  a good  fit  foor,   because  I   am  not a   sight seeinng  point  and  we   had good  communication.  Should I be worried about no  actual personal photo>  Hehe does  know that I  require viewing of a legal IID prior to check..   I  just never had this  before..         

1 Best Answer
Level 10
Madison, WI

Unfortunately, a guest profile picture is only suggested by Airbnb, but you can require that a "current" profile picture be provided when booking.   Perhaps you want to include language in "Other things to note", on your website,  that states that a current profile picture is a requirement at the time of booking.  I  don't accept pictures of a tree, mountain, flower, poem, and the like.  I want to see who to expect in my home. It's for my safety as well as yours.  Best. 

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7 Replies 7
Level 10
Madison, WI

Unfortunately, a guest profile picture is only suggested by Airbnb, but you can require that a "current" profile picture be provided when booking.   Perhaps you want to include language in "Other things to note", on your website,  that states that a current profile picture is a requirement at the time of booking.  I  don't accept pictures of a tree, mountain, flower, poem, and the like.  I want to see who to expect in my home. It's for my safety as well as yours.  Best. 

Thank you just new to  me.  I  seent him      a  very polite note,

9:50 PM
I did just notice you don't actually have a profile picture it is a map. For security reasons I usually use the photo to give me aa preliminary ID for unlocking the house an viewing your legal ID. We address this because I doo have other guests whose safety I have to do my best. Thank you Marie

It's your choice, I have had guests book with no picture, but I do understand your concerns. If its a booking where you do meet them or they are staying in your home, then definitely you have cause to ask for one. My property is unattended so there's no need and therefore i don't mandate it.

Thank you, actually I did have someone canceled with  100%  refund  a week earlier, show up at my house unannounced to  talk to  me.   The profile picture was one race, the  gentleman identifying himself  as that person  was a different race.      Very scary, no reason to show up at my personal residence.    Most people are nice and honest but that doesn't mean II am protected from  those that aren't.  I also don't assume the guest has an ill intent maybe he just doesn't want his picture on the internet.

I sent  the  following message this morning.

You haven't broken any Airbnb Rules. Do not send a picture off your legal ID that isn't secure for you. I would request that you send me a current photo on the Airbnb platform. Thanks Marie

Just like I check IDs because of a bad experience totally unrelated to him

Maybe he doesn't post his picture  on the internet because a bad  experience totally unrelated to  me.

I was just surprised.  I didn't know   a Guest could do  that.


I’m much tougher now that I’ve noticed verified Guest profiles are extremely inaccurate. I call them out on it immediately. Too much fake info. W no photo; 12 digit phone numbers, no location where they’re coming from. Be very careful, these people are hiding things for a reason. 

Thank you Yes I was cautious but he sent me a picture before arrival and he was  very nice.