I’ve been hosting in london for several years and this month...
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I’ve been hosting in london for several years and this month is the first time I’ve seen ADA notifications come through on Wh...
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Hope everyone is well. So we just had our first bear on the property and has been a frequent visitor to our front door. We have guests staying this weekend. Are there any Guidelines regarding this other than notifying the guests about the bear siting in the area so they keep an eye out. I mean the property is in the mountains so I would assume wildlife is to be expected but just trying to cover my tracks. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
@Brian2432 As a guest, and especially one with children—mountains or not— I would be vey scared to stay somewhere that a bear visits the front door.
Is it a black bear or brown bear? Is it a male or female! Is it a mother bear? Are your outdoor garbage cans locked? Are you offering bear deterrent?
Yes, you should notify guest. There’s always the possibility of an unprovoked attack. Definitely something to think about with the nearest hospital 35 minutes away.
Also, I advise checking your home owner’s insurance for liability amount just in case someone is hurt/attacked by a bear.
Thank you @Gwen386 ... We have updated the listing. Got a great link regarding what to do if you confront a bear that we shared with the guest along with notifying them. It was a black bear but couldn't tell whether make or female. We've inquired with our garbage pickup company for locking or providing bear proof cans. They are also located at the driveway entrance so not close to the entrance of the house.
Great idea regarding checking liability. Thank you
@Brian2432 there is a section somewhere in the listing where you can specify if there are dangerous animals around. I would certainly do so or guests may complain (as well as get eaten)
You should probably let them know and send them some recommendations on how to act if they encounter the bear and some advice about not leaving food outside, etc.
@Michael5047 Thanks so much. Yes we found a great link and sent it along with the notification. We have in our guide regarding not leaving trash out but also advised the guest.
Absolutely update your listing about the potential for wild animal.
We have had black bears recently as well. As well, we had some real bad guests, illicit drugs, they left garbage all over which, of course, attracted the bear. One of the intoxicated guests wanted to pet the bear. No a word of a lie, totally true.
Another guest recently was coming for their first stay, before they got out of the car, first words were "We saw a bear cross the road!!" They got a few great shots from the safety of their car.
@M199 That really is a great shot and sadly there are people out there that just dont use their brain. Listing updated and guest notified along with a link to some info on what to do if you encounter a bear. Thank you for the response.
So true about guests. Also, guests from United Kingdom were warned. The Mom was at first worried about the bear. By the time they checked out, she was disappointed at not having seen tbe bear.
I guess it's all about the presentation of the info.
Glad to help you out.
@Brian2432 Here in the mountains of NC we have a lot of Black Bear. I have purchased signage from Bearwise.org that consists of refrigerator magnets, door hangers and information sheets that I have added to my guest book. I did check the box for dangerous animals on the website.
I let my guests know not to leave any food products outside or in their cars, especially pet food. My trash cans are located inside the basement and we make a dump run 2 times a week to keep trash to a minimum.
I have yet to have a guest freak out about seeing a bear but have had to warn many a guest to not go out to try and pet them. The one guest who demanded a refund freaked out over a "wild" squirrel.