Payment method in lebanon

Level 2
Fanar, Lebanon

Payment method in lebanon

The pioneer payment method is not sending a code so that i can continue filling the details nor giving me options other than a physical card. Any suggestions?

5 Replies 5
Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Nathalie2239 ! Are there any updates related to your question since you posted a while ago?


Did you manage to receive a code while choosing payoneer payment method? If the issue still persists for you, do reach out to the Airbnb Customer Support team as well. They may be able to help with it.




Please follow the Community Guidelines

I am not able to receive a code and i had a call from airbnb support but it was not helpful at all. The guest we had was in august and cannot cash the money till today

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Nathalie2239 , Have you also tried reaching Payoneer Customer Support team? It seems that Payoneer is the one, that should be sending the codes, and not Airbnb, so it would be a bit difficult to provide any insights on this matter.

Do keep us posted if you've already tried reaching Payoneer Customer Support.




Please follow the Community Guidelines

the follow up on that matter is too disappointing 

Level 1
Tripoli, Lebanon

hii, how did you cash out, idk how this whole payoneer thing works,