Payout Currency Issue

Payout Currency Issue

Good Evening,

We are a new Host within the Airbnb community and have a vacation home in Negril, Jamaica.   We reside in Canada.  We are having difficulty setting up our payout methods.  We have a Canadian bank with a U.S account.  Our house listing prices are in US currency.   


When we select the billing country/region as Canada it only offers an option for bank transfer in Canadian Dollars.  We want the payout to be in U.S. dollars to be deposited in our U.S. account.  However, it keeps kicking out stating the payout penny test was unsuccessful.


Can anyone offer any advice as to how to set up the payout method?  Also, would it be better to select Jamaica as the host bank?


Any information would be appreciated.  We are very frustrated trying to get this set up.





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