Promoting the property for reservations

Promoting the property for reservations

Hello, I’m fairly new to AirBNB and I wanted to ask if there’s any way to promote the property for more reservations in a quick way. Please do reach out. 

3 Replies 3
Top Contributor
Buckeye, AZ

@Suresh-Bala-Kumar0 First Suggestions

Airbnb New Host Discount will help you get first reviews.

Second your listing is appearing 6 Guests not 4 Guests it says both as max confusing.

Also if a touristy rental.  Include Guide Books and more info for sight seeing.  You are familiar with what you are mentioning I wouldn't be, tell and show me.

thank You very much @Marie8425 

very kind of you to recommend , will do the needful 

pls suggest if any more 


take care


Noticeable right away 2 listings but same exact pictures  Not only Guests think a duplicate, the computers that promote should promote may think duplicate and not show.

It is not an Airbnb duplicate to offer the same rental but various ways.  You can't just copy and change the title.  If you are offering 2 different presentations, you have to put in the effort and have 2 different presentations.    Each listing has to be an individual.