Hello! It was suggested I share my story. I started doing fu...
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Hello! It was suggested I share my story. I started doing furnished rentals, in Toronto, back in 2016. For seven years, I off...
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I am considering switching to self check-in and check-out.
I'm not worried about late self check-out or early self check-in, because my cleaning lady is usually there just before and just after.
The check-in doesn't worry me so much, but I don't know how to handle things in case of any issues after self check-out.
For example, let's say that an hr after self check-out my cleaning lady arrives and finds a couple of broken items (something you'd normally expect a refund for, say, a picture frame or a chair).
Can anyone with experience let me know if problems have arisen with self check-out and damages?
Have you noticed that the place is being treated with less care than when you were not using self check-out?
Thanks in advance!
@Riccardo26 Even for hosts who personally check the guests in, it's pretty normal to allow the guests to check themselves out - especially those who have early departures. People staying in an Entire Home tend to appreciate a friendly welcome at the beginning of their stay, but most would rather not be bothered at the end when they're packing up and getting ready to leave.
You might consider sending a default message on the night before departure, reminding them of the checkout time and including some helpful instructions, such as what things to make sure are locked/closed and where to leave keys. One thing you can add to that is a request to report if any breakages occurred during the stay.
@Riccardo26 In order to claim for damages, you have to report them before another guest checks in and also, I think, within 24 hours. So if you aren't nearby to go and take time and date stamped photos, if your cleaner reports damages, she would need to do that. Best to take before photos as well, which the housekeeper could do after she finishes a clean.
I'm an off-site host, so I check my guests in remotely (buzz them into the building and then unlock the August lock through my phone) and my cleaners handle the check-out process.
I've only experienced 4 bad guests in over 450 reservations. Both were handled on time and without issue (one claim was denied by AirBNB as it was pet-related and therefore not covered by their Host Guarantee, but my submission or being off-site had nothing to do with that.) When my cleaners arrive, they take time-stamped photos before they clean so they can show how the unit was left. When they're done, they take photos once more and an inventory of supplies for my reference. It's worked really well for me. Additionally, the August lock shows door activity, so I can see when guests have entered or left, if they've locked the door or not, etc. This has helped me prove that guests have checked out late whenever there's been an issue.
I give a very detailed breakdown of what is expected of guests upon their departure. It's also available in a hard copy binder I leave on the dining table. I have 'Failure to leave key and key FOB behind will result in a $400 replacement fee' in my house rules and my listing. I also have it in my check-in instructions...only 2 guests have ever taken them with them, and I've gotten $400+ from each claim without issue. All they have to do is leave the key in the same dish they found it and the door is set to auto-lock 15 minutes after check-out time.
All this to say that it can certainly be successful so long as you're organized, clear on rules and expectations for guests and you're aware of the rules surrounding making claims (e.g., before your next guest checks in or 14 days after your guest checked out, whichever comes first).
Good luck!
@Riccardo26 I check my guest in whenever I can but they do a self check out, if I am there when they are checking out they tend to think I am rushing them out the door. I havnt really had any issues with guest checking out late. The only time I am there at check out time is if I have guest checking in the same day. If I dont have anybody checking in the same day I tell my guest they can check out whenever they want, whether they ask for it or not. Its a last opportunity to work on that 5 star review. Its makes the guest feel like they are getting something extra but it requires nothing extra from the host.