I had a guest who showed up 2 hours prior to check in. She ...
I had a guest who showed up 2 hours prior to check in. She looked at the listing and loved it. It is posted in the listing...
I have a potential guest who has asked about navigating my steep stairs in a wedding dress. I have two pictures that I took specifically for those who may have a problem with the stairs. How do I send the pix to the potential client? I don't have her contact email before booking and messages with email addresses have the address removed.
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Hi @Shawna1,
How about adding the photos to your listing photos. You can always remove them later.
Superhost Ambassador ~ Host Club Community Leader ~ Experienced Co-Host
I had to send pictures to a host to show the lack of cleaning done prior to our arival. There's two ways I can see. Assuming you now have a phone number add them to your WhatsApp and send pictures that way. If you've tken the on the same phone - no problem. If not, send to yourself by email, open and send from your phone via WhatsApp.
Second, in the phone app, there's a camera icon to the bottom left (if yoyu've been messaging them alresdy), it allows you to send or take pictures either take a picture or use the ones you've emailed youtrself.
Finally and its a bit late for the person wanting to send a staircase picture....why noit include one in your listing? If one guest has asked for there's a good chance someone else will.
I've come to find that unless they have "confirmed" their booking you cannot share pictures. However, once confirmed you can through the messenger.
As a workaround I added the photos to my listing and asked her to view them that way. Hope this helps!
I am trying to send pictures of the location of my keysafe to confirmed guests. I either attach the photo or use the "mountain" icon to get the picture in the main body of the email, and it appears. But when it arrives at the guest the picture has gone!
There's a section of your profile where you can provide directions to your place, and you can include pictures on that.
Once a guest has booked, you can send photos, maps, etc, as attachments to the coded email address airbnb assigns them or their personal email if the guest wants to give you that.
for some reason I can send pictures with the airbnb app on the phone. android.dont know about iphones. it is not possible on the website but the app does it
pity Yes. Me too but only if they have confirmed a booking. Not before. this is a pity as it can help to explain your place to a prospective guest. Oh well
Not working on my iphone. I also have a guest with a disability who requested pics of the bathtub. I don't really want to upload to my listing but I can't figure out how to send only to her.
Send her the photos via the airbnb email for your guest which is on your booking confirmation for the guest @Barbara1498
can you save a photo in the "saved responses" part of he app, ie, to send a picture of the front door, or parking area?
Under Resources for Guests in the app, inside the advertised property, there is a tab called "Instructions for arrival" (or similar wording, mine is in another language), where you can create a guide on how to arrive only for confirmed guests. This guide may include pictures and precise directions on what to do
You can reply to one of their messages from your email account and add an attachment there.
It seems that the iPhone app allows me to send pictures only if the booking has been confirmed both by host and guest. I think this is not a good way to do it. Very often Gusts wants to see some little detail of their interest and it would be fantastic to be able to send a picture reinsuring them that everything is fine ...
Hope the designer will allow this feature soon and of course both on the iPhone/Android Apps and on the web.
It would be fantastic.
real weakness of the air BNB system
I have just lost a 7 night booking which was an enquiry, as i cannot find how to send her the photo she wants