Seville Spain Co-Host needed

Level 1
Chicago, IL

Seville Spain Co-Host needed

Hello, I am currently buying an apartment in Seville in the Santa Cruz area 5 minute walk from The Cathedral.  I live in the USA and need a lCo-Host to create and manage an Airbnb listing, greet guests, answer guest questions,  do cleaning/laundry/restocking. The Co-Host must live in Seville and speak Spanish and English.  Please let me know if anyone is interested in Co-Hosting.  Thanks!

2 Replies 2
Level 2
San Diego, CA
Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Nick3146 , Welcome to the Community Center🌻


Did you try out Airbnb's Co-hosting platform as @John6181 rightly suggested? It would be a good starting point to look for reliable Co-host leads for sure! 

We do have a guide on how to use the service, if it's helpful just in case : How to find and become an experienced Co-Host on Airbnb? 


Do keep us posted how you get along with your search and becoming a Host yourself on Airbnb! Wishing you all the best!



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